

词汇 run riot
释义 run riot
run riot发音


v.跟错踪迹; 胡闹; 肆无忌惮; 茂盛


to run riot───暴乱

race riot───种族暴动;种族骚乱

run about───乱跑,到处跑

run short───用完;不足

prison riot───监狱暴乱

gun room───枪械室

run amok───乱砍乱杀;胡作非为;杀气腾腾地横冲直撞

run high───海浪汹涌;(潮水)上涨

run in───跑进;试车;顺便探访;拘留


The Virginia creeper we planted last year has run riot and covered half the wall.───我们去年种的五叶地锦乱长一气,现在已爬到半墙高了.

Some people let their children run riot.───有些人允许自己孩子行为暴力.

A conservatory offers the perfect excuse to let your imagination run riot.───音乐学院让你有充分的理由任想象力自由驰骋。

Weeds and pests run riot among plants in my garden.───我的花园里,树木间虫子和杂草丛生.

The weeds run riot in some fields.───有些田地里出现了草荒。

The flowers run riot in our garden.───我们花园里,鲜花烂漫.

Their eye bulges from fatness; The imaginations of their heart run riot.───诗73:7他们的眼睛因体胖而凸出. 他们所得的、过于心里所想的.

Vines run riot over the whole wall.───整垛墙上长满了常春藤.

They let their kids run riot.───他们听任自己的孩子撒野。

Del Piero then hit the post as the home side threatened to run riot.───主队随后攻势如潮,皮耶罗的射门再次击中立柱.

Manufacturers have let their run riot to create new computer games.───生产厂家开动脑筋让自己的想象力再丰富些,由此开发出新的电脑游戏.

Meanwhile, protectionism has not run riot.───然而, 保护主义并非盛行.

She dressed strictly for comfort and economy, but let her imagination run riot with costume jewellery.───她穿衣服严格地追求舒适和经济,但是在佩戴时装首饰方面则让其想像力肆意发挥。


Ann let her imagination run riot as she wrote.Sentencedict.com

These prejudices have been allowed to run riot for too long.

Because of her weakened state her imagination had run riot.

An artist must learn to let his imagination run riot.

Manufacturers have let their imaginations run riot to create new computer games.

They let their kids run riot.

Boro threatened to run riot but could not provide the finishing touch.

Some people let their children run riot.

Some people let their under-fives run riot.

  • run after
  • run low on
  • run into debt
  • run so quick
  • run out of gas
  • run so slow
  • run over
  • run that
  • running star
  • run aftergame
  • run free
  • run over to
  • run to fast
  • run short
  • running stream
  • run and run
  • run application
  • running up that hill
  • run along the coast
  • run home
  • runska volna




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