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词汇 Run out of
释义 Run out of
Run out of发音

v.用完; 耗尽; 从…跑出


run out on───遗弃

drum out of───鼓出

rule out of───排除

run foul of───碰撞

runs out on───遗弃

ran out on───遗弃

ruling out of───排除

grown out of───长大得渐渐穿不进

ruled out of───排除在


We've nearly run out of paper. Do you think there's enough for today?───我们的纸差不多已用完了。你看今天够用吗?

You think they'll ever run out of new things to do with their victims?───你认为他们对付他们的那些受害人时会用穷尽新东西 吗 ?

I run out of gas. Please spare me some.───没有汽油了. 请匀一点给我.

We have run out of toilet paper.───我们把卫生纸用完了。

When Joe had run out of money, there was no man to befriend him.───乔的钱用光时, 没有人再协助他了.

It would run out of fuel. It had only single engine.───飞机将燃油耗尽, 并且只有一个发动机.

Teachers refused to run out of hours sports matches because they weren't being paid.───教师拒绝课余安排体育比赛,因为他们不会获得薪酬。

What will happen when Medicare and Social Security run out of money?───可是,当医疗基金和社会保障基金用尽时又该 怎么办 ?

Nixon was never more dangerous than when he seemed to have run out of options.───尼克松在似乎一筹莫展时具有最大的危险性.

A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition.───几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了.

I am sorry , but I have run out of it.───对不起, 墨水用完了.

Fears that the world was about to run out of fuel proved groundless.───事实证明对于世界燃料即将耗尽的担忧毫无根据。

Local authorities will run out of money part way through the financial year.───地方政府等不到财年结束钱就会花得一干二净。

We have run out of size 39, sir.───先生, 39号的已经卖完了.

If nuclear power superseded fossil power, we would run out of uranium in 4 years.───如果我们以核能取代所有化石能源, 铀将在4年内耗尽.

She felt that she had run out of inspiration.───她感到她变得缺乏灵感了.

They have run out of ideas.───他们已经想不出任何办法了。

This is the center of Adventureland Run out of film, need some postcards and stamps?───这里是冒险国度的中心地带.用完胶片了吧, 你是否需要明信片和邮票?

I don't want to run out of gas.───我可不想半道儿就没油了.

I have run out of cigarettes.───我的香烟抽完了.

Toni : Interesting place for a bartender. Run out of olives?───酒保跑这儿还真是有趣. 没橄榄了?

That's the hope, anyway and that his kids never run out of apple juice.───不管怎么说,这就希望 —— 希望他的孩子从来不会没有苹果汁喝.

I afford to buy the dictionary, because I have run out of my money.───我买不起这本字典了.因为我用完了钱.

By the way, Smith, I seem to have run out of razor blades for some reason.───振动老化铸件,9个百分点.顺便提一下, 史密斯, 好像不知什么原因我剃刀刃不管用了.

The performing group began well, but seemed to run out of steam halfway through the year.───演出小组开始时很好, 可是一年还没到头似乎就有些泄气了.

He has run out of food; his children are hungry.───他家揭不开锅了, 孩子们都等着吃饭.

He'd been talking all day and appears to have run out of steam.───他说了一整天,看起来筋疲力尽.

Old exercise books were not run out of paper bound together, make a draft of this.───将旧练习本中未用完的纸张装订起来, 做草稿本.

We can run out of the Shark's mouth and dive into the sea.───我们可以从鲨鱼嘴里跑出去,跳入大海。

Unlike Mr Geithner , many congressmen believe China has already run out of time.───不同于盖特纳, 很多国会议员都认为不能再给中国时间了.

As the militants gather, there is concern that the protest might again run out of control.───随着激进分子的聚集,人们担心抗议活动可能会再次失去控制。

Wife : And give me your cell phone. Mine run out of power.───给我你的手机. 我的手机没电了.

If there are too many typefaces, the program might run out of memory.───如果有太多的字号, 程序则可能会用光内存.





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