

词汇 run off
释义 run off
run off发音

(使)流掉; 减轻体重; 偷走; 流失



run offs───逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛

rung off───(英)挂断电话;住嘴;走掉

runs off───逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛

ran off───逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛

rub off───擦掉;使显得暗淡



bunk off───逃学(非正式);早退(非正式)

burn off───烧尽


The treasurer had run off with the club's funds.───财务主管盗走了俱乐部的资金。

There will be a run-off between these two candidates on December 9th.───12月9日将举行这两位候选人的决胜选举。

The carpenter slanted the roof to allow water to run off.───木匠使屋顶倾斜以便泻水.

I'll run off 100 copies.───我将印出一百份.

The messenger boy will run off his legs sooner or later.───这个小通讯员迟早会累垮的.

He had fliers run off and distributed to all the newspapers in the district.───他把传单印了出来,分发给这个地区所有的报纸.

Run off at the mouth.───说话太多了.

He says there's irrigation in the Valley, and there's always a little run - off.───他说是在浇灌山谷那一片, 总有一些水流失的.

You're too fat; try and run off all those excess pounds.───你太胖了, 要跑跑步减肥.

The shaver will run off batteries or mains.───这个剃须刀可用电池或电源驱动。

The two cars finished up in a run-off area, clear of the circuit, and that was a mercy.───两辆车最后都停在了缓冲区,避开了赛车道,真是万幸。

The story goes that he's run off with his secretary, but I can't believe it, can you?───传闻称他同他的秘书私奔了, 可是我不相信, 你相信 吗 ?

When you divert water, there's a little run - off.───自然地,引水的时候, 总难免有一些会流走.

Why do you just run off when something gets a little awkward?───事情一变的尴尬你们为什么就一走了之?

If you want to run off a copy sometime today, you're welcome to.───如果你今天什么时候想复印的话,欢迎你来。

The deer got wind of the hunter and run off.───鹿察知猎者的气味便跑掉了.

I'd'most be glad you'd run off and acted so bad.───你出走,捉弄我们那我反倒很高兴.

you run off twenty copies of the agenda?───你给我复印二十份会议议程好吗?

  • run after
  • run low on
  • run into debt
  • run so quick
  • run out of gas
  • run so slow
  • run over
  • run that
  • running star
  • run aftergame
  • run free
  • run over to
  • run to fast
  • run short
  • running stream
  • run and run
  • run application
  • running up that hill
  • run along the coast
  • run home
  • runska volna




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