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词汇 runs off
释义 runs off
runs off发音



rubs off───擦掉;使显得暗淡

run off───逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛

rung off───(英)挂断电话;住嘴;走掉

rounds off───完成;使完美;把…修圆磨光;圆满结束

bunks off───逃学(非正式);早退(非正式)

burns off───烧尽

rains off───因下雨而取消,因雨中断

rings off───(英)挂断电话;住嘴;走掉

turns off───关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向;使失去兴趣


The electric armour runs off the tank's power supply.───该电动装甲车靠这坦克的动力供应运转。

The Padres scored four runs off Terry Adams in the last 2 innings.───在最后2个回合中,教士队力挫特里•亚当斯,跑垒得4分。

He runs off.───他跑走了。

When precipitation occurs, some of it evaporates, some runs off the surface it strikes, and some sinking into the ground.───当降水发生后,一部分蒸发了,一部分离开它落地的表面了,还有一部分渗入了地面。

A failed morale check is always bad, but it's worse if the creature immediately runs off the board without getting an opportunity to rally.───一总坏失败的士气检查,动物立即跑开板在得到一次机会集合时如果是坏的。

In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio. He's needed again, and he runs off -- with apologies -- to go back to work.───当他正沉浸在悲痛之中时,对讲机响了,又有新的情况需要他。他向我道谦说他得回去工作,然后匆匆的跑着离开了。

If a thief runs off with one of your bags, you're left with a choice of stopping the criminal or protecting your remaining luggage.───如果一个贼提着你的一个包溜走,你的选择只有要么去阻止罪犯,要么保护剩下的行李。

As time goes by you start to read each other's runs off the ball and movements the understanding develops.───随着时间一天天过去,你将能解读出其他人将怎么拿球,你们的了解也会与日俱增。

Shaun Wright-Phillips - Terrified at the sight of the snake bearing down on him, he runs off.───小赖特――看到蛇冲向自己,他惊恐万分,远远逃走。


The dog always runs off when it gets half a chance.

The present condition of the call center is the service level is not even, the employee runs off rate is high, the satisfaction is low and negative to go-slow strike phenomenon is severity.

When the temperature reaches melting point, the metal runs off as a liquid and flows into special modules.

It runs off batteries.

Axel shows off at a gay disco, then runs off when somebody comes on to him.

It's possible to score six runs off a single ball, if you hit it far and high enough.

Coming this summer: a Javelin system that runs off the natural voltage difference between a tree and the soil.

If you're unlucky, he ends up hating you for it and runs off with a dynamic career woman.

Coyote of the "Road Runner" cartoons, who runs off the cliff and finds himself suspended in air before dropping to the valley floor.

  • runska volna
  • runs at him
  • runs away
  • runs across
  • runswith me




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