

词汇 run over
释义 run over
run over发音


造访; 驱车送; 溢出; 撞倒


runs over───v.辗过;匆匆看;复查

ran over───v.辗过;匆匆看;复查


hung over───adj.宿醉未醒

turn over───移交给;翻阅;把…翻过来;发动;营业额达到;反复考虑

dug over───重新考虑,搜集

put over───推迟;驶过;使被接受


He was run over and had to be taken to hospital.───他被车辗伤,必须送往医院.

My son came near being run over by a truck.───我的儿子差点被大卡车辗过.

Vines run over the wall.───葡萄藤爬过了墙头.

A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.───她向树后一闪,才没被车从身上辗过.

Two children were run over and killed.───两名儿童被轧死了。

The race was run over a 26 - mile course.───赛跑的距离是二十六英里.

Will you run over to the shop and get some butter?───你到铺子里去买点黄油好 吗 ?

This box looks as if it's been run over by a bus.───这个箱子好像被公共汽车撞翻过似的.

The boy was nearly run over by a car.───小男孩差一点儿被汽车轧了.

The old man was nearly run over by a car.───老人差一点儿被汽车撞倒.

Two children were run over by a lorry and killed.───有两个孩子被一辆卡车轧死了.

Let's run over to the Browns'this evening.───今晚咱们开车去布朗家吧.

He was run over by a train.───他被火车轧了.

The dog was run over by a bus and killed.───那条狗被一辆公共汽车压死了.

I remember being run over by a cyclist as a little girl.───我还记得我小时候被一个骑自行车的人从身上碾过。

You'd better run over these texts before you go.───你走之前,最好把这些课文粗粗看一遍.

He narrowly missed being run over by a car.───他差点儿被汽车压死.

I'll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs. Adams.───我将开车去肖特山看看亚当斯夫人。


He narrowly missed being run over by a car.

  • run after
  • run low on
  • run into debt
  • run so quick
  • run out of gas
  • run so slow
  • run over
  • run that
  • running star
  • run aftergame
  • run free
  • run over to
  • run to fast
  • run short
  • running stream
  • run and run
  • run application
  • running up that hill
  • run along the coast
  • run home
  • runska volna




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