

词汇 a mother hen
释义 a mother hen
a mother hen发音



mother hen───母鸡;婆婆妈妈的人;关心他人冷暖的人

mother hens───母鸡;婆婆妈妈的人;关心他人冷暖的人

other men───其他男人

no other than───只有;就是

another job───另一份工作

another sign───另一个标志

another year───n.又一年


Sorry I was such a mother hen, darling.───对不起亲爱的,我太婆婆妈妈的了。

Now, I ponder whether they are ready to face the challenges that await them and worry like a mother hen if I've done a good enough job preparing them.───如今我所思考的问题是他们是否作好了面临挑战的准备,并且也像一个母亲那样担心,是否自己已经为他们做了足够的准备。

Little gray dove's voice faded off, big cock old daughter a mother hen flower poking from the windows.───小灰鸽的话音刚落,大公鸡的媳妇一老花母鸡从窗户里探出头来。

In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily.───在一个国家的家,一个母亲和她可爱的母鸡小鸡人生活愉快。

Don't be such a mother hen . I can take care of myself.───别婆婆妈妈地,我会照顾好自己的。

Look at the way she's wateringthose seedlings! She fusses over them like a mother hen.───瞧她给那些幼苗浇水的样子!她常常手脚忙乱,大惊小怪。


She watched over us like a mother hen over her brood.

In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily.

She watched over us like a mother hen over brood.

Look at the way she's watering those seedlings! She fusses over them like a mother hen.

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