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词汇 plugged into
释义 plugged into
plugged into发音



ploughed into───投入

plugged in───插上插头以接通电源;紧跟时代的

plugging into───把(电器)插头插入;接通

dragged into───将...硬拉入

plug into───把(电器)插头插入;接通


plugs into───把(电器)插头插入;接通


The net result is that if you have a modem plugged into your computer and your phone rings, the music is turned down for you.───最终的结果是,如果您的计算机上插入了一个调制解调器,而且电话铃响,则音乐音量就会为您减小。

All our computers are plugged into the main network.───我们所有的电脑都和主网络联网了。

A good idea or product, such as a cheaper X-ray machine or better wind turbine, can be plugged into a global system of sales and manufacturing.───一个好的理念或产品,比如更廉价 X 光机或更优质的风力涡轮机,都可以纳入全球范围的销售和制造体系中。

The only time he seemed alive at all was with a long extension cord plugged into the wall.───只有长长的延长线插在墙上时他是活的。

Assets were bundled into a pool, securitised, stuffed into a CDO, bits of that plugged into the next CDO and so on and on.───资产被组合成池,进行证券化操作,进而被塞进CDO,其中一些还会被投入下一个CDO,并如此往复再往复。

The kit will include a computer chip around the size of a USB chip, that can be plugged into a phone or computer.───这个套装将包含一个大约USB芯片大小的电脑芯片,这个芯片能够被插进手机或者电脑中。

A generation is growing up plugged into an internet-polity that lets it trade ideas and goods in a way that has no precedent.───一代人正在密切参与互联网政治的情况下成长,这使得他们能够以前所未有的方式,交换思想与商品。

Instead, what I've offered below are a few examples that illustrate how a Web service implementation is plugged into the global model.───我在下面提供的是几个演示如何将Web服务实现插入到全局模型中的示例。

Siores said that an efficient way to use the bra would be to wear it while plugged into a power supply for a few minutes during diagnosis.───西奥里斯说,用这款胸罩进行诊断时,最有效的做法是将其接入电源几分钟。


Once plugged into western markets, poor countries are better able to compete squarely with the rest of the world.

The new president has plugged into a great national yearning.

All our computers are plugged into the main network.

Andy is really plugged into the popular music scene.

Smug but sexy dumbo darlings, lens-friendly superstars plugged into the ears and groins of a love-struck generation.

It will be plugged into the White House e-mail system.

An electric kettle, plugged into the wall, steamed on a tin tray, surrounded by waiting cups.

All information plugged into the household net will also be shared.

Your phone can be plugged into the cigarette lighter socket in your car.

  • plugged into
  • plugged into keyboard port




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