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词汇 plug and play
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plug and plays───即插即用;即插即用的



grand plan───宏大的计划

plug away───坚持不懈;顽强地致力于(坚定而缓慢地行走)

plugged away───坚持不懈;顽强地致力于(坚定而缓慢地行走)

plugging away───坚持不懈;顽强地致力于(坚定而缓慢地行走)

plasma display───等离子体显示(器)

apples and pears───苹果和鸭梨;楼梯


Installation should be plug and play. It'should be very easy.───安装应该是属于容易安装和运行的那种类型. 应该很容易.

USB power supply directly. No other power supply. Plug and play.───免电源. 无需外部电源. 即插即用.

They may look really complicated, but in actuality are quite simple plug and play devices.───因为他们看起来总是那么复杂,但事实上就是简单的即插即用。

It also allows for plug and play of vendor SOA products that conform to and implement these standards.───它还允许对符合并实现这些标准的供应商s OA产品进行即插即用。

DPO 3000 series provided operation of brand - new USB Plug and Play and PC join capability.───DPO3000系列提供了全新的USB即插即用操作和PC连接能力.

Plug and Play Support in Linux.───在Linux的即插即用支援.

Such products will accommodate the plug - and - play demands of users.───这些产品将用户对插入即用的要求.

The driver can realize DFU Class - specific requests, the PNP ( Plug and Play ) and Power management function.───实现了 DFU 类标准请求, USB设备即插即用及电源管理等功能.

High power LED on 1156 socket. Applications including plug - and - play light automobile direction.───1156基座型超高功率LED, 应用包含车用方向灯,随插即用,方向灯闪烁频率维持正常.

This wizard automatically detects and installs new Plug and Play printers.───这个向导自动检测并安装新的即插即用打印机.

Unless all three work perfectly, problems can arise with plug and play.───除非所有的三完全地工作, 问题能以即插即用出现.

The plug and play programming is aMIS development method that offers goodprospects.───本文介绍了一种很有前途的MIS开发方法——即插即用编程.

Simple plug - and - play kit allows for quick and easy installation.───简单的即插即用装置,安装简单方便.

Plug and Play registration failed. Abort printer installation.───“即插即用”注册失败,请终止安装打印机.

Plug and play devices have to accept port and channel assignments from the operating system.───即插即用装置必须接受端口而且引导来自操作系统的指定.

Insert the CD for your software installation or go to the Plug and Play section.───插入软件安装的光盘,或转到“即插即用”一节.

need to keep it secure makes it hard to upgrade and to develop the “plug and play” functionality of PCs.───处于保密的需要,很难对这些软件进行更新并开发具有个人电脑所具备的“即插即用”的功能。

Your ISA plug and play cards are not properly configured.───你的ISA即插即用卡不适当被配置.


Plug and Play registration failed. Abort printer installation.

Figure 2 - 3 . Installing a Plug and Play device.

Plug and Play Support in Linux.

USB power supply directly. No other power supply. Plug and play.

Plug and play and do not have much value.

Installation should be plug and play. It'should be very easy.

So we must observe ear plug and play back the return time, the better the quality.

Your ISA plug and play cards are not properly configured.

FastPort will give your printers the plug and play functionality of printers that cost thousands of dollars more.

  • plugs lures
  • plugging into
  • plug dj
  • plug walk
  • plug in ac
  • plugged into
  • plugging away
  • plugged into keyboard port
  • plug stock
  • plug and play




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