blocked up───过厚
bucked up───使振作;打起精神;加快
clocked up───记录;赢得;达到
fucked up───混乱的,乱糟糟的
locked up───锁定;冻结
mucked up───搞糟;弄脏
packed up───整理;把…打包
picked up───捡起;获得;收拾;(汽车;飞机)乘载;不费力地学会
pluck up───振作,鼓起勇气
I haven't yet plucked up the courage to ask her.───我还鼓不起勇气去问她。
I plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.───我鼓起勇气约了她。
I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.───我终于鼓起勇气约她出去。
A month after returning to work, Chad plucked up his courage and asked a pretty new girl at work if she'd like to go out with him.───回到工作岗位一个月后,查德鼓起勇气问一个女同事是否愿意和他约会。
Only last week Charlie plucked up the courage, got down on his knees and told her there were two things he would like to ask her.───就在上周,查利鼓足勇气,屈膝告诉她他想请教她两件事。
Upon this, the men plucked up their courage and went boldly up to the palace doors.───这使士兵们恢复勇气,大胆地走到宫殿的大门口。
Eventually he plucked up the courage and said I was too experienced for him and that he couldn't go out with me.───终于他鼓足勇气跟我吱唔道,对他而言,我的经验太丰富了,他消受不起。
"It will go faster if we look together. " She plucked up a rusted iron half-helm, giggled, and stuck it on her head. "Do I look fearsome? "───“若我们一起找的话能快点而。”她拔起一个生锈的半盔傻笑道,将它戴到头顶问。“我看起来是不是很可怕?”
He hath broken me down on every side, and I am gone; And my hope hath he plucked up like a tree.───他在四围攻击我,我便归于死亡,将我的指望如树拔出来。
I haven't yet plucked up the courage to ask her.
He finally plucked up enough courage to ask her out.
He finally plucked up courage to ask her to marry him.
I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.
He plucked up when his father recovered.
I plucked up the courage to go out by myself.
It was years before I plucked up enough courage to make the break and leave him.
Political dishonesty ought to be plucked up by the roots.
I finally plucked up enough courage to speak to Rachel.
- plucked out