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词汇 buying into
释义 buying into
buying into发音



bumping into───无意中遇到、碰到

buying in───[金融]买进

flying into───v.突发

laying into───v.痛打;痛斥

building into───使固定于;使成为组成部分

bursting into───闯入;情绪的突然发作

blowing into───吹进某处;突然来到某处

booking into───签到;登记

cutting into───v.打断;侵犯


With the acquisition, AOL is buying into the new publishing model that the Huffington Post represents.───通过此次收购,美国在线买到了以《赫芬顿邮报》为代表的新出版模式。

Using some or all your investment proceeds, you can expand your portfolio by buying into other promising companies.───你可以利用部分或全部投资收益,购买其他看好的公司股票,来扩展所持有价证券的类别。

Buy an Apple device, and you're buying into Apple's world view.───购买苹果电脑设备,其实你购买的是进入苹果的世界。

It also shows buying into proven oilfields is often a safer way to add reserves to the books than tricky frontier exploration.───它还表明,与风险更高的前沿勘探相比,收购已探明油田通常可以更稳妥地增加储量。

So buying into Bitcoin has, at least so far, been a good investment.───因此,至少到现在为止,买入比特币是一桩不错的投资。

That's when I told him it's the so-called mystery of it that puts me and half the rest of the world off buying into such fairy tales.───那是当我告诉他,这是IT的所谓神秘,提出了到童话故事等,另一半给我买了世界各地。

Chinese companies have expressed interest in buying into Canadian potash projects in Africa, said the BNW News Wire .───来自BNW新闻通讯社的消息表示,中资公司已表示有兴趣买进加拿大公司的非洲钾盐项目的股份。

Only after we bring full transparency to the bank balance sheets will we see private capital buying into banks again at scale.───只有在我们将银行的资产负债表充分透明化,我们才能看到私人资本再次有规模地收购银行。

It seems you can't fill a shopping basket these days without also buying into some sort of ideology.───看来人们现在想填满购物篮都不能不把某种意识买回家。


And middle-class buyers are upset because they thought they were buying into the Buick brand and Buick quality but instead received a watered-down car that did not meet their expectations.

In late 1999, buying into fears about Y2K, he swamped the markets with liquidity.

Check out the prices for buying into a hamburger or a pizza chain.

Softbank claims that it is better at picking winners and that it is buying into a growth industry.

  • buying and selling
  • buying into the dip
  • buying power




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