

词汇 checked in
释义 checked in
checked in发音



chucked in───把(某物)扔进去;停止做(非正式);插话(非正式);额外奉送(非正式)

check in───报到,记录;到达并登记

checked up───检查;核对

checks in───报到,记录;到达并登记

clocked in───打卡上班;记录上班时间

checked off───核对;经查对无误而在…上作记号;扣除

checked out───检验;结账离开;通过考核;盖章;登记并借出

checking in───登机手续;入住酒店

blocked in───草拟,画草图


We've checked in at the hotel.───我们已经在旅馆登记入住。

We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge.───我们托运行李后直接进入候机室。

They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge.───他们托运了行李,然后在候机室找到了座位。

Frank: He checked in today. I'm supposed to meet him at the hotel at 6: 00 p. m. , but I'm going to be a little late.───法兰克:他今天办理住房手续,我本来晚上6点要和他在饭店碰面,但我会稍微晚一点到。

Mortimer did not learn that the new address violated the ordinance until he checked in with police and was told it was off-limits.───直到莫蒂默他被警方调查,并被告知这是禁区时,他才知道新买的房子违反了法律。

Everything's ready to go, but I don't think any guests have checked in for years.───看上去一切都井然有序,但我想肯定有很多年没有客人来入住了。

It is not easy to fly with wine, even with it in checked-in baggage .───带酒乘飞机不容易,即使是把酒放在检查过关的行李里。

I checked in about: config and was pleased to see that TraceMonkey's JIT is enabled by default for both the user interface and Web content.───我在about:config里看了一下,用户界面和网页内容都默认开启了TraceMonkey的JIT。

But when he checked in at the Warwick, a little after four, he had the money with him .───但当他在沃里克旅馆寄存时,四点过一点点,他带着这么多的钱。


He had checked in at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester.

He checked in three years ago.

We checked in at the airport an hour before our plane took off.

We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge.

He checked in at the Europa Hotel.

We've checked in at the hotel.

How many delegates have checked in at the convention?

They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge.

All the passengers have been checked in.

  • checked out
  • checked exception
  • checked into
  • checked off
  • checked check




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