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词汇 checked into
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checked in───报到,记录;到达并登记

checked out───检验;结账离开;通过考核;盖章;登记并借出

chucked in───把(某物)扔进去;停止做(非正式);插话(非正式);额外奉送(非正式)

packed into───挤进…里;塞进

tucked into───用被子将...盖好;大吃

checked shirt───方格衬衫

blended into───融入...;与...融合

booked into───签到;登记

check in───报到,记录;到达并登记


He checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital to dry out.───他住进了雪松西奈医院去戒酒。

He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre.───他已登记住进了一所戒酒治疗中心。

He checked into the hotel under an alias.───他用化名登记住进旅馆。

The exception that is thrown when an attempt to check out a file that is checked into a source code management program is canceled or fails.───当签出已签入源代码管理程序中的文件的尝试已取消或失败时将引发的异常。

The son of Sandy Weill, ex-head of Citibank, left his powerful job at the bank abruptly a few years ago and checked into drug rehab instead.───花旗银行(Citibank)前主席桑迪-威尔(SandyWeill)的儿子原来在该行掌有实权,但几年前突然离开公司,进了戒毒所。

Prosecutors said the two checked into a San Diego hotel last Thursday, and Jenkins checked out the next morning.───检察官说,上周四这2人到圣地亚哥酒店登记,第二天早上詹金斯登记离开。

Mr. Pan himself had ascribed his recent absence from work to illness, and even checked into a hospital for a time, the people said.───潘岳自己称自己最近是因病缺席,称自己甚至住了一段时间院,相关人士说。

I had read about the pretty village of San Lorenzo ten minutes out of the city so we continued on and checked into a hotel.───最后到了我曾读到过的美丽的村庄圣洛伦索,我们继续住了几天酒店。

He grew thin and stopped sleeping. Unable to continue alone, he checked into a clinic.───他变得愈发瘦弱,失眠,无法继续独自生活下去,继而住进了医院。


She's checked into a private clinic for drug rehabilitation.

I arrived in Boston and checked into my hotel.

They checked into a cheap hotel.

He checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital to dry out.

He checked into a top London clinic yesterday for an operation on his knee.

He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre.

He checked into the hotel under an alias.

They arrived in Beijing at midnight and checked into Beijing Hotel.

They checked into the hotel yesterday.

  • checked out
  • checked exception
  • checked into
  • checked off
  • checked check




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