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词汇 breast cancer
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breast cancers───乳腺癌

break dancer───跳霹雳舞的人

break dance───霹雳舞

break dances───霹雳舞


breaks dance───霹雳舞

breast bone───胸骨;胸叉


One survey revealed a threefold increasein breast cancer.───一项调查显示乳腺癌的发病率已是原来的3倍。

Her mother died of breast cancer.───她母亲死于乳腺癌。

One survey revealed a threefold increase in breast cancer.───一项调查显示乳腺癌的发病率已是原来的三倍。

With breast cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon.───对乳腺癌等很多常见疾病来说,目前还看不到有明显的突破。

The study was the first to show that a drug could actually prevent breast cancer.───该项研究首次显示出,药物能真正预防乳腺癌的发生.

Rebekah was only 32, admitted for chemotherapy after breast - cancer surgery.───丽贝卡只有32岁, 她作过乳腺癌切除手术,现在正住院作化疗.

She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.───她的乳癌尚未扩散,两位主刀医生均建议她动手术。

The setting for breast cancer development may be in the decade after puberty.───乳癌的发生在青春期后10年内即已决定.

We are delighted to see the Sunday Times running a long feature on breast cancer.───我们高兴地看到《星期天时报》发表了有关乳腺癌的长篇专题文章。

This variant of breast cancer is known as colloid, or mucinous, carcinoma.───乳腺癌的多样性如所谓的胶样癌或黏液癌.

Using Body CT Scan in Diagnosis of Breast Cancer ( Analysis of 42 Cases )───体部CT扫描诊断乳癌的应用 ( 附42例分析 )

Infertile women have a somewhat higher risk of developing breast cancer.───不育妇女患乳癌的倾向性较高.

Conclusion : MT can be taken as a prognostic index of breast cancer.───本研究结果表明,MT可作为判断乳腺癌预后的指标之一.

We saw the Sunday Times running a long feature on breast cancer.───我们看到《周日时报》登了一篇长长的关于乳腺癌的专题报道.

The comprehensive treatment of male breast cancer based on operation is important.───治疗上应以手术为主的综合治疗.

The incidence of breast cancer increases with age.───乳腺癌的发病率随着年龄的增长而上升。

What would you tell a woman facing breast cancer?───你跟一位面对乳腺癌的妇女会说什么?


The drugs are being used experimentally on patients suffering from breast cancer.

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