boys in blues───蓝调男孩
the boys in blue───警察
Prussian blue───[颜料]铁蓝;[颜料]普鲁士蓝
Russian blue───淡蓝色;浅蓝色
casein glue───酪素胶(在酪素画中用作颜料结合剂)
copen blue───科本蓝
cyan blue───青蓝色
royal blue───品蓝
trypan blue───[涂料]锥虫蓝,[免疫]台盼蓝
We're the boys in blue and we're on our way to Champions!───我们是蓝色的少年,我们前进在通往冠军的路上!
Boys in blue are in a line.───穿蓝衣服的孩子站成一行。
As a result, people dress baby girls in pink and baby boys in blue.───因此, 人们给小女孩子穿粉红色的衣服,而给小男孩儿穿蓝色的衣服.
The boys in blue were called and all.───甚至警察都被叫来了.
Why do we dress baby boys in blue and baby girls in pink?───为什么我们给男婴穿蓝色衣服,女婴穿粉红色衣服?
The boys in Blue looked visibly hot under the colour as they considered their options.───这群蓝军男人在考虑如何回应时,都明显地显得貌似很难为情.
Two dozen boys in blue arrive in full riot gear.
I could just as easily send the Boys in Blue.
We try to keep close tabs on our boys in blue.
I can tell you the boys in blue are pleased you've turned up.
- boys will be boys
- boys tears