

词汇 产品部用英语怎么说
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Product department


产品部───product department


The applicant should send the application to CQC product department.───申请人应将申请书寄受理部门。

March 2010, Sina consolidated and expanded its existing product department and restructured it into the current Microblog department.───3月,新浪巩固和扩大了其现有的产品部门,并重组了目前微博部门。

industry is the important material product department of national economy and the industrys strut of the country .───建筑业是国民经济的重要物质生产部门,是国家重要支柱产业之一。

Focusing on products delivery delay in A Co. , Ltd, the main parts of C product department are analyzed.───大型国企A公司的产品普遍存在延迟交货的问题,严重影响了企业信誉及资金周转。

The Force Product Department has lead the way in this respect and made a name for themselves.───测力产品部门在这一方面是领先者,并且已名声在外。。

Coordinate and communicate with product department to deliver technical solution, business and operation data analyze.───协调并与产品部门进行沟通提供技术解决方案,并分析业务和运营数据。

In March 2010, Sina consolidated and expanded its existing product department and restructured it into the current Microblog Department.───2010年3月,新浪巩固和扩大了其现有的产品部门,并重组了目前微博部门。

Transfer technology to product department to ensure the production smoothly and get good quality products.───负责技术转移,以使生产部顺利完成生产,并保证产品质量。

Cooperate with R&D, Logistic, and Quality and product department on material sourcing issue.───在材料采购方面协助研发、物流、质量和产品部门。

  • 产品部用英语怎么说
  • causticity productions
  • local products
  • quackery involves products that are
  • joint product
  • unproductive run
  • by product
  • endorsed product
  • product rule
  • procuring product
  • product liability




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