

词汇 about thirty
释义 about thirty
about thirty发音



about ship───(经常用作命令)改变航向

about time───关于时间;该…的时候了

about turn───拐弯

about turns───关于转弯

top thirty───前三十名

Labour Party───劳工党

about to───即将,行将;刚要


He indicated a semicircle with a radius of about thirty miles.───他标示出一个半径大约三十英里的半圆。

about thirty feet from Mace's right wingtip.───离“梅斯”的右机翼尖约三十英尺。

There are about thirty-one million blacks in the U.S.───美国大约有三千一百万黑人。

We also meet with career services, who, in about thirty minutes, ensured that we weren't lulled into a false sense of complacency.───我们也与职业服务会谈,在约三十分钟的时间内向我们保证我们肯定不会沉醉与自满之中。

And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.───耶稣开头传道,年纪约有三十岁。依人看来,他是约瑟的儿子;约瑟是希里的儿子;

A small man of about thirty, with green eyes and a tangle of fair hair, stood looking down at me.───我面前站着一个三十岁上下的矮小的汉子,碧绿的眼睛,一头乱七八糟的淡黄头发,他正低头望着我。

About thirty years later, Haralambos still can remember the old storekeeper, and understand the meaning of a whole nation and a people.───时间已过去三十多年,但是哈拉兰伯斯依然记得这个老店主,他也明白了一个国家和一个民族的意义。

He glances up at the wall clock and realizes he only has about thirty minutes before he has to leave to meet Jane for lunch.───瞥了一眼墙上的钟,他意识到还剩下三十分钟就要去和简一起吃午饭。

The researchers also found a stone road near Durrington Walls. The road is about thirty meters wide.───研究人员同时发现在杜灵顿墙附近的一条石路,宽约30米。


Typically, a doctor will see about thirty patients a day.

I can verify that it takes about thirty seconds.

Later, two herdsmen came in with about thirty camels.

The car gets about thirty miles to the gallon.

The old car bucketed along at about thirty.

It is about thirty miles between Nottingham and Sheffield.

About thirty percent of the country's children were malnourished.

I think I heard about thirty.

This recipe makes about thirty biscuits.

  • about happy father
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  • about thirty
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  • about black
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