

词汇 about you
释义 about you
about you发音



about to───即将,行将;刚要

about face───彻底改变;(美)向后转

about ship───(经常用作命令)改变航向

about time───关于时间;该…的时候了

about turn───拐弯



after you───您先请

about faces───彻底改变;(美)向后转


What were you thinking about? You were miles away.───你刚才在想什么呢?你开小差了。

I've been nearly demented with worry about you.───我一直为你担心,都快发疯了。

What you wear speaks volumes about you.───你的衣着能传递很多关于你的信息。

Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you.───你去哪里了? 我都快急出病了.

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for bed.───我不知道你怎样,但是我要睡觉了。

"We know all about you," she said disdainfully.───“我们了解你的一切情况,”她轻蔑地说道。

What he said about you goes for me too.───他关于你的一席话对我也适用.

I'm having fish. What about you?───我吃鱼,你呢?

He's mad about you.───他很迷恋你。

Well, I enjoyed that. How about you two?───嗯,我觉得那很棒。你们俩呢?

I thought about you half the night.───我几乎整夜都在想着你。

I care a lot about you.───我非常在乎你。

I've been concerned about you lately.───最近我对你有些担心。

She's nuts about you.───她迷恋上你了。

I'm not going. How about you?───我不打算去。你呢?

I see I was mistaken about you.───我明白我以前错怪你了。

Do you happen to have his letter about you?───你是否正好带着他的信了?

"I have read about you in the newspapers of course," Charlie said.───“当然我已经在报纸上看过一些关于你的报道了,”查利说道。


No one will care about you too much unless you're pretty or dying.

Uncle Hill asked about you the other day.

I want to know everything about you.

I had a very odd dream about you last night.

I want to know all about you.

The nights I don't dream about you are the nights I stay up thinking of you.

I care about you all,including the man you love.

I'm kind of hungry. How about you?

I think this is a good idea.What about you?

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  • about you know
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  • about you in my life
  • about abcyesmyto




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