poles apart───截然相反;天壤之别;大相径庭
told apart───区分;分辨
falls apart───崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎
grows apart───往不同方向生长,合不到一起;产生隔阂;朝不同方向生长,变行有隔阂
rips apart───扯破
tells apart───区分;分辨
tore apart───把……弄乱;使……分裂
torn apart───撕碎;心痛欲裂
world beat───世界节拍
Chinese of different dialects often cannot understand each other, and these dialects can be worlds apart.───说不同方言的中国人常常不能互相理解, 他们说的方言也可能相去千里.
For all their professed ideological similarities, North Korea and China are worlds apart.───尽管所声称的意识形态有相似之处, 但北朝鲜与中国有着天壤之别.
I realized we were still worlds apart.───我意识到我们仍然是完全不同的人.
Even though we are worlds apart , you are all a part of my world.───即使我们分开的是世界, 你也是我所有的世界.
Their views are worlds apart.───他们的观点大不相同.
The Findings: Boomers and Gen Y are Worlds Apart at Work───研究发现婴儿潮一代和Y一代是两个世界的人
We're worlds apart in our political views.───我们的政治观点截然不同.
Their ways of life are worlds apart.───他们的生活方式截然不同.
But the accommodations provided are worlds apart.───但是这两个地方提供的住宿服务却是有着天壤之别。
Intellectually, this man and I are worlds apart.───在智力上,我和这个男子有天壤之别。
Differences in profession makes one feel worlds apart. I know nothing about business.───隔行如隔山,对做买卖我真是一窍不通.
We lived in the same house but were worlds apart.───我们虽然住在同一个屋檐下,却彷佛活在不同世界。
The novel is worlds apart from his academic writings.───这本小说和他的学术著作截然不同。
At first, these two scenarios sound like they're worlds apart.───乍看之下, 这两个情节听起来南辕北辙.
We're worlds apart in our political views.
The novel is worlds apart from his academic writings.
Watching somebody and actually killing them are worlds apart.
In ideas those two political parties are worlds apart.
Intellectually, this man and I are worlds apart.
Although they are twins, they are worlds apart in their attitude to life.
You all say that but the truth is, the theory and the practice are worlds apart.
I realized we were still worlds apart.
They are worlds apart in their political views.
- worlds smallest toys
- worlds away