

词汇 cleaned the room
释义 cleaned the room
cleaned the room发音



cleaned a room───打扫房间

clean a room───打扫房间

cleans a room───打扫房间

cleanse the body───净化身体

elephant in the room───房间里的大象,形容明明存在的问题却被人刻意回避

clean room───绝对无尘室

cleaning a room───打扫房间


Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room.───然后我洗了盘子并且打扫了我的房间。

I haven't cleaned the room.───我还没打扫房间。

He made lots of things. , for instance he cleaned the room.───他做了许多好事,例如他打扫了房间。

When breakfast was finished, I cleaned the room where it was served and then the conference rooms and lobby rest rooms.───早餐做完后,我打扫旅馆房间、会议室大厅休息室。

eg. She got up early, fetched water, cleaned the room and then went out for a walk.───步。四.一般过去时的判断标志词她早早起床,提水,打扫房间然后出去散

Cleaned, the room looks nice. Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.───如果对这些树多关心一些,它们本来会长得更好。

Yesterday, my mother and I cleaned the room together, we swepted the floor washed the dish and maked a bed, good tired.───昨天,我妈妈和我一起打扫房间,我们扫地洗碟子和铺床,好累啊。

After the other students left the classroom in turn, we cleaned the room by turns.───在其他学生依次离开教室后,我们轮流打扫教室。


Grimsdale's eldest daughter cleaned the room briefly with a broom and the rest of the children scurried about the house.

  • cleaned the room




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