working days───[劳经]工作日
working dog───工作犬;牧羊犬
working man───工人
working party───工作小组
working back───v.加班工作
working dogs───工作犬
working farm───[法]劳教农场
working rail───工作轨道
working holiday───工作假期
We are working day and night to solve the innumerable problems and to catch up.───我们昼夜的工作是为了解决无数的问题,为了能追赶上别的国家.
he doing home on a working day?───工作日他在家里干什么?
The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year's crop before the September rains.───全村日夜辛苦地干着,要在9月的雨季之前收割并打完今年的庄稼.
All shuttle bus bookings must be made at least one working day in advance.───预订穿梭巴士必须最少一个工作日前向预订部预订.
During the period the plants were working day and night.───在这阶段,这些厂都日夜开工.
typical working day for me begins at 7.30.───工作日一般在7:30开始。
I spend most of my working day sitting at a desk.───我一天之中大部分工作时间都坐在办公桌旁。
The full effect will not be apparent until Tuesday, the first working day after the three day holiday weekend.───周二是周末3天假期后的第一个工作日,到那时效果才会完全显现出来。
For doctors the working day often has no end.───医生常常没有下班的时候。
Regardless of holidays or normal working day, Jie Du, or books and magazines read.───无论节假日还是正常工作日, 都借读或阅览图书及杂志.
Every working day I treat people who are dying from lung diseases caused by smoking.───每天上班我都要医治那些因吸烟患上肺病的垂危患者。
By lunchtime the working day seemed to have stopped.───到了午饭时候,工作日似乎已经停止了.
They make him working day and night.───他们支使他日以继夜地工作.
After working day after day , we can finish the work before it's due.───经过连日加班, 这项工作总算是可以刻期完成了.
Five quotas available for each working day, reservation is required.───每个工作天只限五个名额, 必须预约.
Guests need at least one working day appointments to extract and store the SHEUNG MOON BOX.───4客人需不少于一个工作天预约提取及存放常满储物箱.
A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.───警察在工作日的任何时刻都可能有危险.
The unions are campaigning for a shorter working day.───工会发起要求减少每日工作时间的运动.
The last working day of current month as the effective date unless it is specified below.───除非已指定终止服务生效日期,否则生效日期会设定于当月之最后一个工作天.
The grade the degree examination the transcript within one working day after the diploma is received.───取毕业证书一个工作天后申请之成绩单,方含有学位考试成绩.
Your working day will need to be organized with military precision.───你的工作时间将需要以军事化的精度加以安排.
Deligence means unremitting work, but it not means one's hard working day and night without stop.───勤奋意味着坚持不懈地工作, 但他并不意味着日夜竭尽全力而无休止的工作.(难)
Such conferences usually meant the loss of a valuable working day.───这种会晤通常都意味着损失一个宝贵的工作日.
This Sunday is a working day, I have to work yet another day.───这周是小礼拜, 又要少休息一天了.
It's a real haven at the end of a busy working day.───忙碌了一整天后,这真是一个安乐窝。
By far the best way of incorporating exercise into the working day is on the commute.───将锻炼纳入上班时间,最好的时机莫过于上下班了.
Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks.───很多医生和护士已经夜以继日地工作数周了。
Other Special Order would be done in the next working day morning startingorder collected.───其馀特别地区之柯打,将会在收件后之下一个工作日办理.
Sunday is a normal working day for me.───星期日是我的正常工作日。
It gives a touch of comic relief to the working day, after all.───这倒也给一天的工作平添几分滑稽.
- working okindpresented
- working capital
- working men cast
- working on
- working plan
- working backwards
- workings define
- working hard
- working holiday abroad
- working drawing
- working back
- working plane
- working girls
- working bee
- workings hours
- working weekend
- working in progress
- working memory
- working order