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词汇 wore off
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swore off───发誓戒除;放弃

worse off───恶化,情况更坏;愈加贫穷的;每况愈下的

tore off───撕下;扯掉

work off───售出;清理,排除;渐渐地清除;冒充

worn off───磨损(worn是wear的过去分词);逐渐消失(worn是wear的过去分词)

worked off───售出;清理;渐渐地清除;冒充(workoff的过去式与过去分词)

score off───驳倒;打败

shore off───离岸

sworn off───发誓戒除;放弃


the situation quickly wore off, and the romping began again.───很快大家就忘记了这里的环境,又嬉闹了起来。

As she got to know people better her shyness wore off.───当她开始与人们熟悉起来,她就不那么害羞了.

The paint wore off.───油漆已剥落.

Tom's distress of mind wore off gradually and the toothache grew irksome and was discarded.───汤姆的不安慢慢缓解,假装牙痛也变得无趣,就恢复了平时的样子。

For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off.───对很多人而言这种哲学只是一时时髦,新鲜感很快就消失了。

Laurie's bashfulness soon wore off.───劳笠的缅腆很快烟消云散了.

At first it was great thrill . but the thrill soon wore off.───开始它是很哄动的,但这种情绪慢慢也就过去了.

All my seeming prosperity wore off, and ended in misery and destruction.───我一切可能的幸福全消磨去了, 消灭在痛苦和破毁之中.

For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off.───对许多人来说哲学只是一种时髦罢了,不久就没新鲜感了。

The novelty of his surroundings soon wore off.───他对环境的新奇感不久就淡薄了.


Eventually, however, the novelty wore off and people only used the phones for actual business.

The novelty of these toys soon wore off and the children became bored with them.

Nightmare wore off somewhat during the day, but still feel things have gone awry since the weekend.

As the drug wore off, I felt like RoboCop, or Terminator, some kind of mutant cyborg.

But in time the novelty wore off.

As the novelty wore off, usage of most services except on-line games and electronic mail dropped off.

In the evening, after the first stiffness wore off and charades were introduced, the party went with a swing.

The pain got worse as the anaesthetic wore off.

The novelty of her new job soon wore off.

  • wore out
  • wore it
  • wore down




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