

词汇 winter coat
释义 winter coat
winter coat发音



winter wheat───冬小麦

duster coat───防尘外套

white coat───n.白膜;白大褂;n.白灰罩面

winter day───冬日

winter moth───n.松白条尺蠖蛾

winter rose───冬玫瑰

winter aconite───菟葵

winter sports───冬季运动

winter wheats───冬小麦


Most fur animals are killed for their first winter coat, aged about eight months.───大部分的动物都在大概8个月大时被杀死,这是为了拿它们第一次为过冬而长出的毛。

Jack took my father's warm winter coat in exchange for those tricycles.───后来,杰克用那两部三轮车与爸爸暖和的冬季外衣作了交换.

winter coat or high-heeled shoes?───冬衣还是高跟鞋?

You can play outside with no winter coat and mittens!───你可以不穿冬大衣,不戴手套出去玩!

North American lemming having a white winter coat and some claws much enlarged.───冬季为白色皮毛且一些爪非常大的北美洲旅鼠.

It is freezing outside, and put on your winter coat.───外面很冷, 穿上你的大衣吧.

The front lap of a winter coat should be at least 6 inches wide.───冬季外套前摆重叠部分至少应有6英寸宽.

Not a jacket. My winter coat.───不是夹克,而是冬天的外套。

a long winter coat───冬天穿的长大衣

She was kitted out with winter coat, skirts, jumpers.───她全副武装,穿着冬天的外套、裙子、套头衫。


I needed a new winter coat, and did not have the skill that Wendy had to make one out of a blanket.

She was wrapped up in a thick winter coat.

I don't have a warm winter coat.

In her winter coat she appeared to be little more than a central pole with a tent draped from her shoulders.

She was kitted out with winter coat, skirts, jumpers.

The dog sheds its winter coat once the weather becomes warmer.

He's got his big winter coat on with silver buttons and his tall hat.

I need a new winter coat .

Amy needs shoes, boots, a winter coat.

  • winter begins
  • winter song
  • wintergreen northern wear
  • winter days are far away
  • winter soldier
  • winter day
  • winter grip
  • winter warmers
  • winter here
  • winter holiday
  • winters kiss
  • winter garden
  • wintered upon it
  • winters title
  • winter sports
  • wintered earth
  • winter weather




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