

词汇 maintenance man
释义 maintenance man
maintenance man发音




maintenance men───维修工;维修人员;保全工

maintenance grant───生活补助金;支持性补助金;助学金

maintenance grants───生活补助金;支持性补助金;助学金

maintenance crew───养护工队;维修队;维修组


maintenance costs───维修费用;维护费用

maintenance crews───养护工队;维修队;维修组

maintenance order───赡养令;应付赡养费判令

maintenance allowance───维持费;赡养费


maintenance man in the service corridor stops to take a smoke break.───在维修走廊的维修工人其实是进来抽支烟的。

Maintenance man: It depends. Would you please show me the warranty certificate?───维修员: 这要看. 你能让我看看你的保修卡 吗 ?

I'll call a maintenance man for you.───我去给您叫个维修工来。

After some expensive repairs, I was grateful to retrieve my vehicle from the maintenance man.───修理费用比较贵, 不过我还是很高兴能从修理工手里取回自己的爱车.

The analysis results are useful to direct the maintenance man to improve the security of unit.───分析结果对指导电厂采取合理的措施解决问题具有重要的现实意义.

I was the janitor, bookkeeper, trainer, maintenance man, and boy Friday.───我既是看门人 、 会计 、 教练, 也是维修工和跑腿的.

Maintenance man: Good morning, madam. You called to report something wrong with your TV, right ?───维修员: 早上好, 女士. 你打电话来说你的电视机有点问题, 是 吗 ?

Maintenance man: I see. We'll take it back and give it a thorough examination.───维修员: 我明白了. 我们会将它拿回去,为它作个全面检查.

I'll call in the maintenance man for you.───我去给您叫个维修工来.

Her dad became her maintenance man, while her mom served as back - up cook and housekeeper.───她的爸爸担任修理工, 而她的妈妈则担任备用厨师和管家.

Maintenance man: 3 days. We will call you when it's ready.───维修员: 3天. 好了的话,我们会打电话给你.

A maintenance man in a cemetery.───他是维护公墓的.

Maintenance man: Newly bought. It's free of charge because it's covered by warranty.───维修员: 新买的. 那就是免费了,因为它在保修期内.

  • maintenance free
  • maintenance request
  • maintenance grant
  • maintenance mode
  • maintenance costs




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