truck stops───载货汽车停车场
tuck shop───糖果食品店
click stop───锁定光圈
tuck shops───糖果食品店
truck system───n.实物工资制度
click stops───锁定光圈
Creating something tangible beats sitting around the truck stop 'talking about who has a bigger radio,' he said.───他说,做一件看得见摸得着的东西比在卡车休息站闲坐着, “谈论谁的收音机更大”要好。
At a truck stop in Carlisle, Al and I climbed up into the big trucks to shake hands with drivers.───在卡莱尔的一个卡车停靠站,我和艾尔爬上大卡车,与司机们一一握手。
And they all hung out at the Big Wheel truck stop.───而他们都在“大转盘”卡车休息站消磨时光。
The last place we went to, just a few miles out of town, was an old Root Beer Barrel drive-in that had been converted to a truck stop.───我们去的最后一个地方,就在镇子几里外,那是个由卖沙士的路边餐厅改造成的卡车休息站。
At the local truck stop, Joe sat Snoopy on a stool beside him while he fell into conversation with drivers who stopped to pet her.───到了当地卡车停靠站,乔把斯努皮放在他旁边的凳子上,就跟那些停步逗弄小狗的司机聊了起来。
Is a few days ago, said an animal protection organization in order to protect what is what, in Beijing, Han Han Han's truck stop!───又是前些日子,说一个动物保护组织为了保护什么什么,在北京挡货车啥啥啥的!
A grizzled old man was eating in a truck stop when three very large, leathered bikers walked in.───一个灰发老翁正在补给站吃东西,这时有三个身材高大,穿著皮革骑机车的人走进来。
- truck trader
- truck car
- truck out of
- trucking company
- truck driver ps
- truck down
- trucking jobs
- truck up
- trucking games