

词汇 total domination
释义 total domination
total domination发音



global domination───全球统治

total compensation───薪酬总额

total population───总人口

world domination───统治世界

total communication───综合沟通法;总沟通

lethal combination───致命组合

ideal combination───理想组合

local examination───局部检查

total communications───综合沟通法;总沟通


France sought total domination of Europe. This goal was obstructed by British independence and Britain's efforts throughout the continent to thwart Napoleon; through treaties.───法国力图统治整个欧洲,而英国的自主及其力图在整个欧洲大陆挫败拿破仑的种种努力都是法国实现这一目标的障碍。

Nearly total domination of the Japanese market by a few dozen giant conglomerates that strongly oppose even token competition - be it from abroad or emerging domestic firms.───几十家庞大的联合企业集团几乎全面控制了日本市场,这些集团强烈反对那怕是象征性的竟争,不管这种竞争是来自国外还是来自国内新兴的公司。

of the twentieth century, as the automobile assumed almost total domination of North American cities, bicycles, pedestrians and equestrians sought escape from the noise and fumes.───二十世纪后半叶,当机动车被作为北美城市的主导交通工具,自行车、行人和骑马者寻求远离噪音和尾气的途径。

Nearly total domination of the Japanese market is ruled by a few dozens giant conglomerates.───几乎所有的日本市场均被几十家庞大的联合大企业所统治。

Oil is in the process of losing its almost total domination in ground transport.───石油正在失去在地面运输中几近完全主导的地位。

Is this the point at which oil begins to lose its almost total domination in transport?───是不是到了这样一个节点——石油已开始失去在运输业中近乎完全主导的地位?

On the total domination number of trees───树图的全控制数

Comparability on matching and total domination numbers in graphs───图的全控制数和匹配数的可比较性

Lower Bounds of the Signed Total Domination Number in Graphs───图的符号全控制数的下界


Nearly total domination of the Japanese market is ruled by a few dozens giant conglomerates.

To instil such fear that total domination and obedience is guaranteed.

  • total depth
  • total ige
  • total lift
  • total graded at
  • total amount due
  • total sugar
  • totality and infinity
  • total communication
  • total phase
  • total tax
  • total net
  • total of
  • total darkness
  • totally different
  • total income
  • totality defined
  • total recall
  • total consumption
  • total fee
  • total paid
  • total control




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