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词汇 toilet paper
释义 toilet paper
toilet paper发音

n.卫生纸,草纸; 手纸



toilet papers───卫生纸,厕纸


toilet water───花露水

toilet waters───花露水

toilet case───梳妆盒

toilet cases───马桶套

toilet tables───梳妆台


Ladies prefer this kind of toilet paper Because it is characterized By softness and water aBsorBency.───这种深得女界欢心的卫生纸,具有柔软方便,吸水力强的特点.

Oh, I must get some toilet paper and some paper napkins.───哦, 我还得买些卫生纸和纸餐巾.

There are bamboo, toilet paper and other industries.───有竹器 、 卫生纸等行业.

Check if there is a toilet paper before you sit down.───在坐下去前先检查有没有厕纸.

Sean: I'm so sorry. I know you'd rather shop for hot dogs and toilet paper.───西恩: 我很遗憾. 我知道你比较想去瞎拼热狗和卫生纸.

It used to be toilet paper on trees but in recent years things have ? escalated.───虽然近年没有事态的扩大可过去曾有过贴树上的卫生纸.

The toilet paper companies took the latter approach, prompting consumer watchdogs to blow the whistle.───结果厕纸制造商采取了后一种方式, 此举令消费者权益保护委员会的官员们大为不满.

Toilet paper holder's number counting.───厕纸架数数字.

I was 10 and wound wire around a toilet paper tube to form the inductor.───我10岁时,在卫生纸卷筒上绕上电线,做成电感器.

The toilet is for toilet paper and toilet paper only!───在厕所里用卫生纸而且只能用卫生纸!

He asked me to get some toilet paper.───他叫我去买些手纸.

Most people today have at least one toilet and lots of toilet paper inside their homes.───今天,大多数人的家中至少都有一个马桶和许多卫生纸。

They are always stocked with free toilet paper, soap and sometimes even vanity mirrors!───它们通常备有免费的厕纸, 香皂,有时还有化妆镜.

Michael has Linc stuff air conditioner aerosol cans into rolls of toilet paper.───迈可叫林肯把空调喷罐塞入卫生纸的滚筒中.

But the other one has run of toilet paper.───但另外一间没有卫生纸了.

Rice, Native Produce , Bean, Animal Feeds, Cereals & Foodstuffs , Toilet Paper.───米粮, 土产, 豆料, 饲料, 食品, 卫生纸.

Then there is no soap, no towels, not even toilet paper.───而且没有肥皂, 没有毛巾, 连手纸也没有.

The toilet paper has used up. Could you give me a new one?───卫生间的纸用完了, 请在给我一桶好 吗 ?

all Chinese carry toilet paper?───所有的中国人都会随身携带厕纸吗?

For a bed plus toiletries and toilet paper, the rate is $ 59.───对于加了厕纸和卫生洁具的床位, 是59美元.

Some threw eggs and toilet paper.───一些人乱扔鸡蛋和手纸.

He and his wife pushed two cars, filled with ground beef, toilet paper and other things.───他和妻子推著两辆车, 里面装满牛肉馅 、 卫生纸和其它东西.

Industries for crafts, clothing, toilet paper and four pieces of beef baked quality products.───工业以工艺品 、 服装 、 卫生纸和牛肉焙片四大拳头产品.

There is no toilet paper here.───这里没有卫生纸.

We have run out of toilet paper.───我们把卫生纸用完了.

The toilet paper is in the case of the toilet, so you can easily reach it.───卫生纸就放在卫生间的盒子里, 伸手就能拿到.

I threw the toilet paper into the toilet many times after coming back.───回来之后,我丢了好几次卫生纸进马桶中。

We need sugar, salt, sauce, butter, eggs, rice and toilet paper.───我们需要糖 、 盐 、 酱油 、 奶油 、 蛋 、 米和卫生纸--平常的数量,你该知道.

The picture here shows a piece of nitrated toilet paper ( around the metal stand ) burning.───图片这里显示片断被硝化处理的卫生纸 ( 在金属立场附近 ) 烧.

A soft , absorbent piece of paper used as toilet paper , a handkerchief , or a towel.───由 吸水纸 制成的可任意使用的毛巾.

Take , for example, toilet paper.───例如卫生纸.

a roll of toilet paper───一卷卫生纸

英语使用场景 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

Perhaps the availability of soft toilet paper will afford them some comfort.

We're getting through a lot of coffee/toilet paper.

Not to mention 20 rolls of toilet paper and five air fresheners.

Hide the toilet paper and turn off the water.

Grosser than fish feeding on toilet paper?

They never have any toilet paper.

Showers spray everywhere, creating soggy toilet paper and slippery floors.

Will they get recycled toilet paper?

  • toilet paper
  • toilet bowl
  • toilet brush
  • toilet roll
  • toilet paper holder




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