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词汇 split
释义 splitUK:*'Split', 'split': /ˈsplɪt/US:/splɪt/US:'Split', 'split': (split)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 split [sth] vtr (cause to break)折断;弄坏He split the board by stepping on it.他用脚踩裂了木板。 split [sth] vtr (separate)将…分为;把…分成The magician split the cards into three piles.魔术师将扑克分成三堆。 split vi (break, separate)分裂;分开;裂开The old board split right down the middle when I stepped on it.我踩上去时那块旧木板正好从中间裂开了。 split n (crack)裂口;裂缝The split went down the entire windshield.那条裂缝贯穿了整扇挡风玻璃。 split n (unfriendly separation of people)分手;分道扬镳The split between John and Cory hurt the entire group of friends.约翰和科利分道扬镳,这让所有朋友都受到了伤害。 其他翻译 split adj (divided)分裂的;分化的;分成不同部分的The split party couldn't reach a consensus.分裂的党派并不能达成共识。 split adj (cleft)裂开的;有裂缝的The Bible contains food rules on animals with split hooves.《圣经》中有关于分蹄动物的饮食规则。 split adj (of a stock) (指股票)增量发行的,增发的The split stock soon began to appreciate.增发的股票很快就开始涨价。 split, splits n (acrobatic manoeuvre)劈叉;劈腿Her legs were flexible enough that she could do a split. split n UK (quarter-size bottle of wine) (装酒、饮料等)小瓶A split is a bottle holding a quarter the usual amount of champagne. split n (bowling) (保龄球术语)隔号余柱,技术球The 7-10 split is the most difficult situation in ten pin bowling.7-10号球瓶分屏技术球是十瓶保龄球中最难处理的情形。 split n (stock) (股票)增量发行,增发; (股票)分割,拆分After the split, the stock was worth 40.拆分之后,股票票面价值为40。 split n (division)分裂;派系,派别The split proved to be disastrous for the party, as voters deserted both factions.这次分裂对于该党派来说是灾难性的,两个派别都遭到了选民的抛弃。 split vi slang (divorce) (俚语)离婚The couple split after five years of marriage.那对夫妇在结婚5年后离婚了。 split vi slang (couple: end relationship)分手, 分道扬镳The couple split after they went to study at different universities. split vi slang (leave quickly) (俚语)迅速离开She split soon after her parents arrived.她父母来后她就迅速离开了。 split vi (musical group: disband) (乐队组合)解散,解体Even though the Beatles were an amazing group, they eventually split.尽管甲壳虫乐队是个很厉害的团队,但最终他们还是解散了。 split [sb/sth] vtr (people: divide)分裂;产生分歧The vote on fox hunting split the party 70-30. 动词短语 split apart vi phrasal (become separated)分裂 split off vi phrasal (break away, separate)解散;分散;分离The dissenters split off and formed a rival group. split off from [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (separate from group)从...分裂出去;从...独立出去A number of left-wing politicians split off from the party to form a new one. split on [sb] vtr phrasal insep UK, slang, dated (inform on)举报,出卖,告发 split [sth] open vtr phrasal sep (cleave, cut apart)劈开;分开;切开He split the coconut open with a hammer. split up vi phrasal informal (couple: separate) (夫妻)离婚; (恋人)分手My parents split up when I was a child but they stayed friends.我还是个孩子的时候,我的父母就离婚了,但他们保持朋友关系。 split up vi phrasal informal (group: disband) (小组、组合)解散When the Beatles split up I cried my eyes out.甲壳虫乐队解散时,我的眼睛哭红了。 split [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (share out)分配;分割The thieves decided to split up the money equally among themselves.小偷们决定把钱均分。 复合形式: banana split n (dessert)奶油香蕉条I ordered a banana split for dessert. lickety-split adv US, informal (very quickly)极快地When I realised the building was on fire, I got out of there lickety-split. split end n usually plural (broken tip of a hair) (头发)分叉 split hairs v expr figurative (focus on trivial things)吹毛求疵;鸡蛋里挑骨头 split [sth] in two vtr (halve, divide in half)一分两半;一分为二If we split the cake in two, we can have half each. split infinitive n (grammar: word between 'to' and base verb)分离动词不定式 split into [sth] vi + prep (divide, separate)分裂成;分裂为The road ahead split into two, one going north and one going south. split [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep often passive (divide [sth] into parts)把 …分成;把…分裂为Great Britain can be split into England, Scotland and Wales. split [sth] off, split off [sth] vtr + adv (break [sth] off)掰下;撕下 split [sth] off from [sth] vtr + prep (break [sth] off [sth])从...上撕下;从...上掰下Jason split off a branch from the tree and used it as firewood. split-off n (act of breaking off from)脱离, 分裂 split-off n ([sth] broken off)分立部分;独立部分This political party started life as a split-off from one of the country's two major parties. split open vi (tear or be cut apart)裂开;爆开;被切开The shell split open to reveal an eagle chick. split pea n (legume)裂荚豌豆;干豌豆瓣Split peas cook quicker if you soak them for a few hours first. split personality, multiple personality n (psychological disorder)人格分裂Doctors think that Henry may be suffering from a split personality. split pin, brass fastener, cotter pin n (metal fastener)开口销 split second n figurative (briefest moment)一瞬间;一刹那I thought you were someone else then for a split second. split shift n (divided working shifts)交替轮班;轮流值班 split sole n (shoe: sole with separate toe and heel sections)分体鞋底鞋;双底鞋 split the difference v expr (share out [sth] remaining)平摊剩余部分We decided to split the difference, each paying £1.10 extra. split the difference vi figurative, informal (make concessions)各让一步;折中You want to go to a Chinese restaurant, and I want Mexican. Let's split the difference and get a pizza. split [sth] up vtr + adv (divide into portions)将…分成几份I´m going to split up this pizza into four slices.我会将这个披萨分成四份。 split your nails v expr (break your fingernails)弄断指甲;弄裂指甲I always split my nails when I go ten pin bowling. split-level, split level adj (divided into levels or floors)错层式的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. split-off n (corporate restructuring)易股式重组,换股型公司分立 split-up n (separation of a couple) (夫妻)离婚; (恋人)分手The couple's split-up was on the front page of all the celebrity gossip magazines. split-up n (disbanding of a group) (团体)解散Following their split-up, the Beatles went on to forge solo careers. split-up n (division into portions)化整为零 split-up n (business: restructuring) (商业重组)拆分,分拆




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