take the rap───承担刑事责任;受责备
take the role───扮演角色;起作用
take to the road───出发;流浪;做拦路打劫的强盗
take the stand───站在证人席上作证
take the flak───接受高射炮击
make the rounds───串门拜访;四处走动
take the high road───堂堂正正地;走高端路线
take the blame───承担过错
take the brunt───首当其冲
Fourth, take the road of eco - tourism.───四是走旅游生态之路.
I am afraid of going through that wood. I'll take the road.───我害怕穿过那座树林, 我将走大路.
We can try take the road in the other direction.───我们可以反方向走这条路试试.
Take the road of substantial development and take the lead in modernized education.───走内涵发展之路.率先实现教育现代化.
Without waiting for my answer, another said: "the house is a good distance away but you won't get lost if you take the road to the left and bear to the left at every crossroad."───另一个小孩也不等我回答,说道:他家离这儿很远,不过您走左边那条路,每逢交叉路口就往左拐,不会找不到的。
This is why you should take the road less traveled and rebuild your battery.───这就是为什么你要走不寻常的路(信春哥),原地复活你的电池。
Take the road of and technology and welcome the challenge of knowledge economy.───走科技兴企之路,迎知识经济挑战.
the road you came,' she answered, ensconcing herself in a chair, with a candle, and the long book open before her.───你来的路走回去好啦,”她回答,仍然安坐在椅子上,面前一支蜡烛,还有那本摊开的大书。
China's education should take the road of industrialized management.───中国教育要走产业化经营的道路.
So China's regionalism strategy must take the road of the neo - regionalism.───中国的地区主义战略必须走新地区主义的道路.
Third, take the road of profitable agriculture.───三是走效益农业之路.
Take the road that branches to the right.───请走右边的那条岔道.
Take the road which skirts the village, not the one which goes through it.
- take me in you
- take bus
- take a plane
- take sth to heart
- take a ball
- take me out
- take carmanga
- take if
- take at
- take her off
- take the love to
- take off your hat
- take my
- take to him
- take the taxi
- take works
- take pains
- take a moment
- taken up
- take my way
- take tennis lessons