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词汇 assumed in
释义 assumed in
assumed in发音



assumed bond───假定债券



massed in───聚集在一起

assumed bonds───假定债券

assumed name───笔名;假名

assumed names───化名


When there's no explicit negative pattern, a leading minus sign is assumed in combination with the positive pattern.───没有显式的负数模式时,假设正数模式中包含前置的负号。

In this case the voice component would have to assume that the client SIP component was listening at the default SIP port number 5060, which is what is assumed in the sample application.───在这种情况下,语音组件只能假定客户机SIP组件正在默认的sip端口号5060上进行侦听,这也是样例应用程序中假定的侦听端口号。

For example, round robin scheduling might be assumed in the application itself.───例如,轮流调度可能是在应用程序本身中假定的。

The consent of the head of the consular post may be assumed in case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt protective action.───遇有火灾或者其他灾害须迅速采取保护行动时,可以推定领馆馆长已经同意。

The very people around him become attached to that void and that nameless pain, as if suffering assumed in this case a privileged aspect.───他周围的人对这种虚无和无名的痛楚情有独钟,仿佛这里苦难是享有特权的人才有的。

How are we to compare the profile of students assumed in the design of the programme with that of the students actually admitted?───怎么样我们在节目的设计假设的学生档案与那学生比较实际上被录取?

the installation remains operable under the influence of each of the loads to be assumed in this connection ( serviceability limit states).───在运行的极限状态时,在每个假定载荷影响下,该装置仍然可用。

The contractors may also consider to use alternative working methods which are quieter than those assumed in this noise assessment.───承办商也可以考虑使用其他所产生噪音水平较本噪音评估内采用的为低的工作方法。

When there's no explicit negative pattern, a leading minus sign is assumed in combination with the positive pattern.───没有显式的负数模式时,假设正数模式中包含前置的负号。


It's also assumed in this discussion that you've had some experience with private/public key cryptologic methods and are comfortable with the concepts.

In particular, he rejects the sticky price assumed in the kinked demand curve model.

I assumed, in effect, that they are not capable of noticing their mistakes and correcting them.

To make developed product have indications as assumed in clinical phases, the quality of design should be reproducible as the quality of product.

The mechanical relays , which have been assumed in Fig . 4 - 9 , can be replaced by electronic switches.

In most cases perfect gas conditions are assumed in order to simplify the analysis.

No new equity was issued in 1992 to fund operations, and neither is any assumed in our forward plans.

The ignition of the depth bomb is assumed in the prearranged range of water depth through choosing proper pressure sensor to sense pressure changing information of the water depth.

It is assumed in several research papers that the distribution is evenly divided between all documents in the collection at the beginning of the computational process.

  • assumed in
  • assumed knowledge
  • assumed that




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