

词汇 assumed name
释义 assumed name
assumed name发音




assumed names───笔名;假名

assumed bond───假定债券

lasted name───姓

assumed bonds───假定债券

assessed income───分摊收入

assured tenancy───保证租约

assured tenancies───保证租约




You must write your name or assumed name, sex, age, educational level and province.───在信中应注明你的姓名或化名 、 性别 、 年龄 、 文化程度和所在省份.

I would disappear . I would go somewhere else to live, under an assumed name.───我将远走高飞, 隐姓埋名到别处去过日子.

He was living under an assumed name.───他过着隐姓埋名的生活。

He was living under an assumed name in Richmond, Va., where he was remarried, working as an accountant and serving as treasurer of his Lutheran church.───他以假名居住在弗吉尼亚州的里士满,并在那里再婚,以会计师的身份供职,担任路德教会教堂的财务主管。

One who engages in deception under an assumed name or identity.───拥有一个假名(通常是笔名)或者通过这个名字来识别的.

Register your assumed name or file your incorporation papers right away.───立刻注册你的营业名称或者将公司资料备档.

Disclosure is also required if a bankrupt is trading under a firm or assumed name.───当以公司或假名进行交易时也负有披露义务.

It is considered an offense to check into a hotel under an assumed name.───以假名住宿旅馆被视为犯法行为.

Sara drives him to the hospital and gets him admitted to the e. R. under an assumed name. He undergoes a CAT scan.───莎拉驾车送他到医院检查,在急诊室他使用了个假名,做了个造影扫描图。

Her body was cremated by using an assumed name.───她的遗体以另一化名已予火化.

The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge.───这些发表在旧金山报纸上的文章都出自一个化名为多萝西·道奇的人之手。

Article 13 No enterprises may transfer an assumed name, or use forged, work safety licenses.───第十三条企业不得转让 、 冒用安全生产许可证或者使用伪造的安全生产许可证.


Article 13 No enterprises may transfer an assumed name, or use forged, work safety licenses.

He was living under an assumed name .

In his assumed name of Brown he sold the timber to an innocent purchaser.

These articles were signed by his newly assumed name, Nguyen Ai Quoc.

Using an assumed name, he sneaked into Hong Kong for reasons he asked not to be disclosed.

He's been living in Peru under an assumed name.

Register your assumed name or file your incorporation papers right away.

One who engages in deception under an assumed name or identity.

Her body was cremated by using an assumed name.

  • assumed in
  • assumed knowledge
  • assumed that




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