

词汇 study hard
释义 study hard
study hard发音

努力学习; 攻读; 刻苦攻读


study hall───自修课;自修室

study halls───自修课;自修室

stud farm───种马场

stud mare───种马

try hard───adj.努力

student card───学生证

study a;oad───出国留学;海外学习

study period───修业期限;修业时间

study showed───研究显示


If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.───只要你用功, 你的法语水平就会很快提高的.

It is important for us to study hard in our school days.───在学生时代努力用功,对我们是十分重要的.

The prize was the spur that made me study hard.───得奖是促使我用功读书的动力.

If you study hard, you can make the roll of honour.───如果你努力学习,你就能上荣誉名册。

's important to study hard, but don't overdo it.───刻苦学习很重要,但不要超过极限。

Upon my life I'll study hard to get high grades this semester.───我发誓这学期一定会好好用功争取好成绩.

Mui: I always encourage my fans: Study hard .───梅 ﹕ 我成日都鼓励我班歌迷话 ﹕ 读书啦你地.

Students ought to study hard.───学生应该努力用功.

And I will study hard and try next time.───我会努力,下次再来.

You had to study hard and you were very homesick.───我很努力用功,也非常想家.

We study hard and play hard.───我们既努力学习又尽情地玩。

Study hard, and you'll pass the exam.───要用功, 那么你才会考及格.

I study hard, so that I may not fail in the examinations.───我用功, 免得考不及格.

Anyway, in the couple of months, we need to study hard.───不说那么多,总之, 在这几个月里, 我们必须要好好努力了.

Conditions are good in school. It's inexcusable not to study hard.───学校环境好, 不用功念书可说不过去.

Peter, my English teacher, never fails to encourage us to study hard.───我的英文老师彼得总是鼓励我们要好好用功.

The teacher as well as the students excepted to study hard.───老师和学生一样应该努力研读.

Students will only be able to do well if they study hard.───学生只有用功,才能取得好成绩.


If you don't study hard, you will hang behind.

You won't pass your examinations unless you study hard.

If you don't study hard, you'll flunk out.

If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.

Every student's rule of thumb should be: study hard!

Their children study hard while ours never study.

Why should students take tough classes and study hard when they see no connection between education and their future?

You don't study hard, thence no good mark.

If you study hard, you'll be able to get into a good university.

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