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词汇 street clothes
释义 street clothes
street clothes发音



street cleaners───清道夫;清洁工

street cleaner───清道夫;清洁工

street corner───街角,街头

street cries───街头叫卖声

street crimes───街区犯罪;街头犯罪

street lights───路灯;街灯

street luges───街头雪橇

street monies───街头钱款

street parties───街道聚会;街头派对


Walking Street clothes are suitable for those who wear the sixties and seventies, while lattice shops barely keep pace with The Times clothes.───步行街的衣服是适合六七十年代的人穿的,而格子店的衣服勉强跟得上时代的步伐。

While many bike to work, they do so in their street clothes. Spandex is nowhere in sight.───很多人骑车上班,但身穿的是日常的衣服,看不到有人身着弹力纤维服装骑车。

Day and a friend shopping, street clothes and shoes in the window is really pretty good, showing passers without reservation the most beautiful self.───一天和朋友逛街,大街上橱窗里的衣服鞋子真的好漂亮,毫无保留的向路人展示最美的自己。

Also, he must change out of his street clothes and put on a gray jumpsuit when he wishes to see visitors.───他也必须脱下他的休闲服穿上一件灰色的连身裤,当他愿意见访客时。

He said our nephew was down in the mine. ' Mr. Yang saw his nephew's motorcycle helmet and street clothes lying in a dorm.───杨世荣看到一间宿舍里放着外甥的摩托车头盔和平常穿的衣服。

Monitoring of the house of GuiYu should be discovered should dress GuiYu galloping towards a pair of high heels stroll street clothes.───监视应桂玉家的马朝发现了应桂玉衣着一双霓裳高跟鞋逛大街。

Luke Walton (offseason ankle surgery) was in street clothes and Sasha Vujacic (sprained ankle) did not make the trip.───沃顿在夏天进行了脚踝手术,仍然穿着便服,武贾西奇脚踝扭伤没有随队伍前往比赛场地。

After the kitchen work, Cai changes into street-clothes and gets in his car. But he's not finished with his Tzu Chi work yet!───香积工作结束之后,换上了便服,开车出门,但是接下来还是忙慈济事。

Get out of bed at the same time everyday (in the morning! ) and get dressed in street clothes, not sweats. You will feel better.───每天(早晨)要按时起床,穿上出门的衣服而不是家居服,这样,你会感觉好点的。


In rehabilitation they saw people dressed in street clothes instead of hospital white.

When he posed for me he wore street clothes.

The few mourners looked at her teenage street clothes with amazement.

They're all dressed in street clothes, and I may or may not be allowed to photograph them if they or their publicist decide that they don't want to be photographed that way.

Enter the outer-most changing room, leave street clothes either hanging on your hook or in you bin. Clothes will never be left in a pile on the floor!

Change into street clothes and shop for five hours.

Also, he must change out of his street clothes and put on a gray jumpsuit when he wishes to see visitors.

He usually wore street clothes to the mosque, but sometimes wore an Army uniform on days when he was set to report to duty.

Walking Street clothes are suitable for those who wear the sixties and seventies, while lattice shops barely keep pace with the times clothes.

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  • street clothes
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