raise family───养家糊口;供养家庭
borage family───紫草科
stratified sample───分层抽样;[统计]分层样本
strangely familiar───奇怪的熟悉
stratified samples───分层抽样
agave family───龙舌兰科
average family───一般家庭;普通家庭
blended family───混合家庭(父母是继父或继母的家庭)
His resignation was the result, some concluded, of strained relations with the Hamilton family after the opening Australian Grand Prix.───一些人选择一举两得的做法:短期的出国度假。这样一来,不仅避开了冬季的糟糕气候,还摆脱了与家庭亲友共度圣诞的紧张气氛。
Some folk kill two birds with one stone: by booking a short holiday abroad they can escape miserable winter weather and the strained atmosphere of a family Christmas with the relatives.───一些人选择一举两得的做法:短期的出国度假。 这样一来,不仅避开了冬季的糟糕气候,还摆脱了与家庭亲友共度圣诞的紧张气氛。
During this fleeting moment of downtime, both Jack and Palmer discuss and reflect their strained family situations.───在这短暂的休息里,杰克和帕默谈论及反思了他们家人所面临的紧张的状况。
Former Child Musical Prodigies Tell of Strained Family Relationships───前音乐天才少年讲述家庭关系敌对和冲突
This strained family relationships, especially those of Committee members when unpopular decisions had to be made.
- strained family