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词汇 step aside
释义 step aside
step aside发音


走到一边; 从权威地位退下; 让开


steps aside───避开,回避;让开

step inside───走进里面

swept aside───把…移到一边;不予理睬

set aside───留出;驳回,撤销;不顾

stepped aside───避开,回避;让开

to step aside───让开

step outside───到户外去

stand aside───站开;躲开,避开

stood aside───站开;躲开,避开


There was mounting pressure in Congress to force him to step aside.───国会里迫使他离职的压力不断增加.

Don't get frustrated. Just step aside and go about your business.───遇到这种情况不要沮丧,绕过去,只管走自己的路.

Step aside, you are in my way.───站到一边, 别挡住我的路.

And I step aside - see here - and leave you and Jim alone.───我现在站到一旁 —— 你瞧 —— 让你和吉姆单独交谈.

Step aside and let me pass, barked the chauffeur.───“躲开,让我过去”, 那司机粗鲁地喊道.

Step aside here and unbutton your vest please.───请您到这边来一下,解开马夹纽扣.

They expect him to step aside and make way for an old man.───他们希望他靠边站,好给一个老年人让路。

Now, kindly step aside and allow me into the museum.───现在,请你友好地站在一边允许我进入博物馆。

Some 20 later, even the best pugilist has to step aside.───二十年后,甚至最好的拳击手也要靠边站。

Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting.───让开一点, 虫尾, 这样我才能热情的招待一下我们的客人.

Could you please step aside to allow other passengers to pass through?───您能往旁边站一点让其他旅客过去 吗 ?

I will step aside and take another path.───我就移开脚步走别的路.

Please step aside a little to make room for me.───请稍站过去一点,让我插个脚.

Don't let the child step aside, we must lend him a hand.───别让这孩子走上邪路, 我们得帮助他一下.

Intend to have the personality step aside and listen to soul.───意图让人格走开,聆听灵魂.

It is widely small investors essentially the automatic step aside.───而广大中小投资者基本上自动靠边站了.

When the children come of age, the best parents step aside.───当小额信贷机构已经成熟以后, 投资机构最好放手让他们独立成长.

You step aside, I open the chest.───大蜜斯一挥手说:“你们退后, 我本身去开箱子! ”

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