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词汇 squall line
释义 squall line
squall line发音



squall lines───[气象]飑线;阵风线

fall line───瀑布线


cell line───n.[细胞]细胞系

fall lines───瀑布线

fault line───断层线;裂纹线

foul line───(球场的)边线;界线

goal line───球门线

real line───n.实线


Squally thunderstorms within a squall line.───飑线中的狂风雷暴。

The clouds can form alone, in clusters, or along acold front in a squall line.───这些云朵可以组成单独的云簇,也可以沿着暴风线的冷锋分布。

Precipitation falling from the trailing anvil accounted for 33% of the total rain from the squall line.───在这次过程中砧云区降水约占过程总量的33%。

I suppose it's my fault for not checking, but I'd glanced off toward the squall line and when I looked back at the mains' I it was too late.───我想是我的过错没有去检查,可我对着风暴的路线粗略地扫视一下而等再看主桅上的主帆时已经太迟了。

Throughout the year all possible hail, dragon coil, squall line etc strong convective weather happen.───一年四季都可能有冰雹、龙卷、飑线等强对流天气发生。

Additionally tropical cyclone and its peripheral cloud type of squall line are closely related to the typhoon.───热带气旋及其外围飑线云型则与台风的活动密切相关。

The results show that the first severe rainstorm was caused by the squall line and the second one was a typical supercell storm.───结果表明:两次强雷暴天气,前一次为典型的飑线天气过程,后一次为超级雷暴单体天气过程;


The squall line triggers in the case are the surface front, the low level convergence, and upper level divergence.

We dropped the mainsail in time, but Joe and Rex were still wrestling down the foresail when the squall line hit.

The squall line triggers in the case are the surface front, the low level convergence, and the upper level divergence.

Researches on severe convective weather prediction, including tornado, squall line, thunderstorm, become fatal tasks in meteorological field.

This latter squall line moved southeast to Lau Fau Shan and merged (to form an "L" shape, see figure 9) with the main squall line.

In the radar echo images the squall line showed herringbone or bow, bull's-eye structure and the main front was associated with thin ribbon weak echo which was the sign of the emergence of gale.

Throughout the year all possible hail, dragon coil, squall line etc strong convective weather happen.

The mesoscale convective cell in squall line causes severe convective wind.

On June 27, 1980, a warm shear-type squall line was occurred over the area between Changjiang River and Huai River.





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