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词汇 set against
释义 set against
set against发音


(使)靠着…; 把…与…相比; (使)与…抗衡; (使)在…映衬下


sets against───反对;使对立;使平衡

went against───违反;反对;和...有矛盾

to set against───反对

goes against───不利于;违反;反对

held against───责怪;暂时填补

over against───在…对面;正对着;与…相反;与…形成对照

tell against───对……不利

setting against───反对;使对立;使平衡

as against───与…相对照;比…


The snow is still here but is now set against blue skies.───这里依然有雪,但现在它在蓝天的映衬下.

The picture looks good when it is set against the light wall.───在这面色彩明快的墙壁的衬托下,这幅画看上去很美.

Set against the dangers ofall - out financial seizure, these risks seem worth taking.───但为了避免金融危机的全面爆发, 这样的风险看起来值得一试.

These are relatively small points when set against her expertise on so many other issues.───和她在许多其他方面的专业知识相比,这些相对来说都不算什么。

It was her best face physically that was now set against the south wind.───现在迎着南风而摆出来的那副面孔,正是她在形体方面表现得恰到好处的那一种.

Diamonds look best when they are set against black cloth.───钻石用黑纱映衬显得最美.

They are being set against me.───有人鼓动他们跟我捣乱.

France is also set against devaluation.───法国也坚决反对货币贬值。

benefits of the new technology, there is also a strong possibility that jobs will be lost.───新技术的确有种种好处,但也很可能使一些人失去工作。

The plank was set against the wall.───木板靠着墙壁.

He seems set against the idea of increased decentralization and greater powers for regional authorities.───他似乎坚决反对扩大分权、赋予地方当局更大权利的想法。

Why are you so dead set against the idea?───你为什么那样死命地反对这个主意呢?

Orange flags stand out brightly, set against the blue sky.───橘黄色的旗在蓝天的映衬下显得分外鲜艳.

£5,000 was a considerable sum in those days and particularly when set against the maximum wage.───在当时5,000英镑是相当大的一笔数目,特别是和最高工资相比。

Sperlich in particular was dead set against it.───特别是斯珀利奇硬是坚决反对这样做.

But there is a disadvantage to be set against this fact.───尽管事实如此,相比之下,仍有不利之处.

Certain business losses can be set against taxes.───某些营业上的亏损可以从税额中抵消.

The government are set against ( the idea of ) raising taxes.───内阁坚决反对增加税收 ( 的意见 ).

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  • set to expire
  • settler colonialism
  • set title
  • set day
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  • set fire
  • set part
  • sets up
  • settling time




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