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词汇 rough draft
释义 rough draft
rough draft发音


草图; 草稿


rough drafts───草稿;底子

rough trade───粗加工贸易

rough trades───粗暴的交易

cough drop───(美)止咳药片;止咳糖

cough drops───n.咳嗽糖;止咳嘀液;止咳药片(coughdrop的复数)

on draft───散装的

root graft───根嫁接

rough cut───粗纹;粗切削

rough idea───大致的概念;粗略的想法


By tomorrow, I should have the rough draft , and the day following, the final copy.───我明天之前得拿到初稿, 后天得拿到终稿.

I've made a rough draft of the letter.───我已经写好这封信的草稿。

The secretary copied the rough draft of IT manager out fair.───秘书把经理那份粗潦的草稿很清楚地誊写出来.

To write a first rough draft at least one week before the deadline.───如果不知如何下手,最好于期限先有个草稿与我讨论.

This is the rough draft of the blueprint and mustn't be lost.───这是图纸的底样,一定不能遗失.

This article is a ROUGH DRAFT. It is in need of editing and verification.───本篇为草稿, 有待进一步编辑和确认.

The secretary copied the rough draft of her manager out fair.───秘书把经营那份粗潦的草稿很清楚地誊写出来.

Better to hammer out a rough draft and revise later than spin your wheels for hours.───几个小时而没有进展不如列出一个粗略的草案,然后再修改来得好。

Is this a rough draft?───这是初稿 吗 ?

I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name.───我改写了他那篇以我的名义发表了的初稿。

I prefer to think about the assignment before I write a rough draft.───我更喜欢打草稿前先想一想作业.

A rough draft is no place for editing.───粗糙的稿子没到编辑的时候.

He has drawn a rough draft.───他起了个草稿.

I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name.───我把他的草稿重新改写,并以我的名字发表了。


I've made a rough draft of the letter.

  • rough sketch
  • rough it
  • rough time
  • roughening heston
  • roughly crossword
  • roughshod over
  • roughen edges
  • roughen synonym
  • roughening temperature
  • rough calculation
  • rough edges
  • rough day
  • roughening concrete surfaces
  • rough country
  • roughen meaning




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