

词汇 reasoning with
释义 reasoning with
reasoning with发音



reckoning with───处理;对付;和…算帐;预料到

reason with───规劝;与…评理

reasoned with───规劝;与…评理

reasons with───规劝;与…评理

bearing with───忍受;宽容

breaking with───v.结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂

dealing with───处理;对待

messing with───同…一起用膳;胡乱摆弄;干扰;与…厮混在一起

running with───鼓励;与…一起跑;与…交往


is no good reasoning with him.───跟他说道理是没有用的。

with him was useless.───与他讲道理没有用。

was no use reasoning with them.───和他们讲道理也没有用。

There had always been excitable, but now he was beside himself: there was no reasoning with him.───他过去老是很容易兴奋的,可是现在他简直神经错乱了;没有法子再去说服他。

Stop reasoning with him. Don't you know that he's one track-minded?───别跟他较劲了。他一根筋儿,你还不知道吗?

The deceived these people do not even have the reasoning, with only a confused, muddle-headed letter.───上当受骗的这些人,连推理都不具备,只是糊涂跟,糊涂信。

It was a thing of beauty, a rhythm that bridged his analytical reasoning with the innards of my trading gut.───这是一种美妙的感觉,他的分析推理能力与我的交易直觉结合得天衣无缝。

It is no use reasoning with him now that he is so stubborn.───既然他这么固执,与他讲理没有用。

This saying implies that there is no reasoning with an unreasonable person.───这个歇后语比喻对蛮横不讲道理的人,是无法和他讲理的。


It is useless reasoning with him. He is a dyed-in-the-wool communist.

Solving Lattice Point Problems by Propositional Reasoning with Isomorphism Cutting Strategy. National Taiwan University, Taipei , Taiwan.

Nothing is to be gained by arguing with fools. Nothing can be gained by reasoning with ignorant people. Dr T.P.Chia 

It is useless reasoning with him. He is a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi.

With apparent characteristics, Analogy varies from Aristotle's Syllogistic, reasoning with compound proposition of Megara-Stoicism, and also differs from the inductive inference advocated by Bacon.

She's absolutely determined to go and there's just no reasoning with her.

This qualified chimera image will allow our comparison of Presocratic reasoning with scientific reasoning to be more precise.

There can be no reasoning with an incendiary bomb.

Method of the Expert System of Fuzzy Reasoning with Weights Achieved by LISP Language.

  • reasoning ability
  • reasoning and learning
  • reasoning test




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