

词汇 prize money
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prize moneys───(旧时出售捕获船货物后分给立功官兵的)捕获物奖金

prize monies───奖金

pin money───n.零花钱

prime mover───n.原动力;发起者

side money───外快

option money───n.买卖特权费;选择权权利金

pocket money───零用钱;零花钱


I will use the prize money to help pay for my education.───我要用这笔奖金支付部分学费.

Prize-money of nearly £ 90,000 has attracted a record entry of 14 horses from Britain and Ireland.───近9万英镑的奖金吸引了来自英国和爱尔兰的14匹赛马,打破了以往的参赛纪录。

Half the prize money he spent, and the rest was laid aside for a rainy day.───他把获得的奖金花了一半, 另一半存起来以备不时之需.

Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year's world championships.───经纪人将提出下年度世锦赛奖金的问题。

The prize money saved her from having to find a job.───她得到的奖金,使她不用非得去找工作。

All prize money will be payed by the management of the club.───所有奖金将者.所管理的俱乐部.

The prize money will be divided among the three winners.───奖金将由三名优胜者均分.

An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.───一位匿名捐助人参与进来提供了奖金。

The minimum first division prize money is HK $ 5 million.───每期头奖奖金基金的最低限额为港币五百万元.

Arty : What are you going to spend your prize money on?───你打算怎么花你的奖金 呢 ?

His prize money kept him in beer for a year.───奖金够他喝一年啤酒.

Some may have been attracted by the prize money or the glory.───有些人可能是受到奖金或荣誉的吸引.

Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?───在如何利用那笔诺贝尔奖金的问题上有不同意见吗?

In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money.───在那些日子里, 拳击家赤手相斗,以获取奖金.

They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.───他们明智地把奖金用于投资而不是花掉.

Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?───对于怎么使用诺贝尔奖金有不同的意见吗?

They were going all out for the prize-money, £6,500 for the winning team.───他们正全力争取队伍获胜,以赢得6,500英镑的奖金。

Conquerors Prize Money Doubled from $ 4,000 to an amazing $ 8,000!───征服者奖金从$4,000增加到惊人的双倍$8,000!


They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.

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