plays around───玩耍;胡搞;轻率对待
lay around───闲逛
played around───玩耍;胡搞;轻率对待
playing around───玩耍;胡搞;轻率对待
to play around───到处玩
flail around───四处攻击
float around───飘落;广为流传
rally around───团结在......的周围
A little boy loved to come and play around it every day.───一个小男孩每天都会来围着它玩.
This is a dangerous file, don't play around with it.───这是一个危险的文件, 不要玩弄它.
Tell the children not to play around the building.───告诉这些孩子别在那栋建筑物附近玩耍.
I don't want my children to play around all day and doing nothing useful.───我可不喜欢让自己的孩子整天吊儿郎当的,一点正经事都不干.
Don't play around with the vase, you could easily break it.───那花瓶很容易破碎,不要随便拿它玩.
If you play around with fire it will start to break out.───如果你玩火,就会引起火灾.
You shouldn't play around with ( ie flirt with ) another woman's husband.───你不应该和人家的丈夫混.
Go ahead and put in some Numbers and play around.───继续并输入一些数字,然后做一些测试。
Will or won't somebody play around noisily and crankily?───会不会有人任性地围绕著你吵吵闹闹?
Obviously the children play around in these camps and it is a challenge.───孩子们在帐篷周围玩耍,很显然这是个挑战.
If vehicles need to play around 120.───如果打车需要120元左右.
One can play around in life sometimes, but cannot play around with one's life.───人生可以适当游戏, 但不能游戏人生.
Critics really slapped the play around.───剧评家们把那个剧本简直批评得体无完肤.
John: So do they just like to play around?───约翰: 那她们也只是想玩玩 吗 ?
You can't play around with children's futures like this.───你不能拿孩子的未来当儿戏.
Play around and if you have any questions feel free to send me a message.───到四处去玩玩吧,如果有问题,请尽管发信息给我.
I can play around with the pictures in all sorts of ways to make them more eye-catching.───我可以试着用各种不同的方式来摆放这些图片,使它们更引人注目。
Don't let him play around the deep-water area.───不要让他在深水区域玩耍。
Play around with the ATR Ratchet and see what creative ideas you can come up with.───好好琢磨ATR棘轮策略,或许你会有一些创造性的想法.
Don't play around with food or make faces in your potato mash.───不要糟蹋食物与将土豆泥涂在自己的脸上.
They can play around a dog but only in the presence of an adult pack leader.───在一个合格的狗主人面前,他们可以与狗一起玩耍.
A little boy loved to nete and play around it every day.───一个小男孩每天都喜欢来到树旁玩耍.
Don't play around with the stereo.───不要乱调音响.
The old man told the children not to play around the pond.───老汉叫孩子们不要在水塘附近玩耍.
Science means honest , solid knowledge, you can't just play around.───科学是老老实实的学问, 任何一点调皮都是不行的.
You can't play around with this assignment; it's something that needs to be buckled down to seriously.───这次的任务可不是儿戏, 需要认真去干.
Remember that you can play around with the settings even more than explained here.───记住,你的设置甚至超过我这里的.
You shouldn't play around with another woman's husband.───你不应该和人家的丈夫斯混.
Did l send you here to disappear and play around with women?───送你来日本就是为了让你和女人胡搞 吗 ?
Main Idea: 2010 play around with different perspectives.───核心创意: 2010年会出现各类透视的效验!
You can't play around with this assignment; it's something that needs to be buckled down to seriously.
- play a game
- play violin
- play hard
- play squash
- play back
- play redeem
- play the harp
- play chicken
- playg mes
- play sports
- play with sth
- played down
- play a trip
- play way
- play hand
- play balls
- play by the ear
- play Serv
- play garden
- play all
- play favorites