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词汇 sensitive skin
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sensitive fern───敏感蕨类植物

sensitive ferns───敏感蕨类植物

sensitive plant───n.[植]含羞草

sensitive topic───敏感话题

sensitive data───[计]敏感数据;敏感资料

sensitive plants───n.[植]含羞草

sensitive subject───敏感主题

positive sign───n.(数)正号,加号(同plussign)



What should the season of person plum rains with sensitive skin notice?───皮肤敏感的人梅雨季节应注意什么?

Purifying - Control oil sebum production. Suitable for oily, acne, and sensitive skin.───净化 - 控制油皮脂生产. 适合于油性, 粉刺, 敏感的皮肤.

What does sensitive skin use has been discharge makeup product compared?───敏感皮肤用什么卸妆产品比较好 啊 ?

The eyeliner should be waterproof, as well as hypoallergenic if you have sensitive skin.───眼线笔应该是防水的,如果你有敏感的皮肤,也应该是防过敏的。

Do not use soap as it may irritate sensitive skin.───不要使用香皂,因其对敏感皮肤产生刺激.

This product is good for atopic dermatitis, sensitive skin , and dry skin.───此产品特别适合特应性皮炎 、 皮肤敏感干涩者使用.

Notice: People with sensitive skin should stop using it when feeling uncomfortable.───注意事项: 皮肤敏感者如有不适请暂停使用.

Non - allergenic wet baby wipes are best for cleaning their sensitive skin.───最好使用 防 过敏的婴儿湿巾来擦拭婴儿的敏感皮肤.

I always worry it will damage my supposed sensitive skin.───我总是会担心会使我的过敏性皮肤受伤。

S: We've also got a fragrance - free one, specially for sensitive skin.───我们有一款是无香味的, 是专为敏感皮肤而设计的.

It is considered non-comedogenic and safe for women with sensitive skin.───这是一种不会诱发粉刺的安全的产品,对女性的敏感肌肤相当安全。

Sprays can sting sensitive skin.───这些喷剂会使敏感肌肤感到刺痛。

However, their concepts of sensitive skin are not always consistent.───然而他们对于敏感性皮肤的观念并非总是一致的.

Special study to consumers demand, the skin is sensitive skin research excellence.───专门研究各地消费者皮肤需求, 对敏感性肌肤研究更是精益求精.

A significant number of consumers believe that they have sensitive skin.───有不少的消费者坚信他们有敏感的皮肤.

For sensitive skin , skin is soothed without itchy or redness.───舒缓敏感皮肤,预防出现痕痒或红斑.

Skincare products of inferior quality may irritate sensitive skin.───劣质护肤品会刺激敏感的肌肤.

Mildness in nature, without irritation, fit for sensitive skin.───性质温和, 无刺激, 适合敏感性肌肤.


Sprays can sting sensitive skin.

This cream may irritate sensitive skin .

Mary has dry, sensitive skin.

The astringent can cause irritation to sensitive skin.

Blur: Against pimples , acne, blackhead, sensitive skin.

Good for sensitive skin, but had to rub hard around eyes to remove mascara.

Avoid using perfumed soaps on sensitive skin.

For anyone worried about extra sensitive skin, there's also a fragrance free wipe.

Skincare products of inferior quality may irritate sensitive skin.

  • sensitive plant
  • sensitive pgone
  • sensitive to
  • sensitive skin




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