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sense of humour───幽默感

sense of humors───幽默感,幽默

sense of humours───幽默感

sensed of humour───幽默感

senses of humour───幽默感

to sense of humour───幽默感

sensing of humour───幽默感

sense of duty───n.责任感;责任心

sense of guilt───罪恶感


The girl impressed her boyfriend's family with her liveliness and sense of humor.───这个姑娘又活泼又有幽默感,男朋友的家人很喜欢她.

Annie Brackett : I HATE a guy with a car and no sense of humor.───安妮·布兰克特: 我恨一个有车却没有幽默感的人.

They like your sense of humor.───他们喜欢你的幽默感.

I don't dare to tease him because he absolutely no sense of humor.───我不敢戏弄他,因为他根本没有幽默感.

He likes your sense of humor.───他喜欢你的幽默感.

BTW, you are fairly pretty, and your husband has a good sense of humor.───对了, 你很漂亮, 你丈夫也很幽默.

Had a great sense of humor.───拥有很强的幽默感.

In OP 16, she says, " Hem, hem " in imitation of Umbridge ( sense of humor, good mimic ).───第16章, 她模仿乌姆里奇说 “ 咳, 咳 ” ( 幽默, 善于模仿 ).

Why is the middle class so stodgy , so utterly without a sense of humor?───为什么中产阶级如此古板, 没有一点幽默感?

So does a good sense of humor.───所以要有良好的幽默感。

You also a great sense of humor and become interested in comedy or games.───你有很好的幽默感并且喜欢喜剧与游戏.

He is distinguished for his sense of humor.───他以其幽默感著称.

I attack politicians with the one weapon they don't have, a sense of humor.───我运用一种政客不具备的武器攻击他们,那就是幽默感。

She had no sense of humor.───她毫无幽默感.

And a sense of humor is vital.───而幽默感也是很重要的一环。

He life and has a good sense of humor.───他享受生活,有很好的幽默感.

McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor, his whimsical side.───麦格拉思记得他不同寻常的幽默感和他古怪的一面。

Now, it's either God's sense of humor or His sense of timing you have to appreciate.───好吧,欣赏上帝的幽默,或是他敏锐的时间感,都随你.

Obviously, your sense of humor is still intact, and that's here.───很明显你的幽默感没有受到伤害, 就在这里.

People appreciate working with him because he has a good sense of humor.───人们愿意与他共事,因为他有很好的幽默感.

What appeals to us is not only his intelligence but also his sense of humor.───招我们喜欢的不仅是他的聪明,还有他的幽默.

Keep your sense of humor.───保持幽默感.

A sense of humor is one of the ways in which we relax and recreate ourselves.───幽默感是咱们放松和休闲的途径之一.

I am convinced that the Maitreya a great sense of humor.───我相信弥勒祖师也是很有幽默感的.

He possesses skill abundant enough to convey his sense of humor.───他拥有足够的技巧来表现自己的幽默感.

It's filled with a really fun sense of humor.───它充满了真正有趣的幽默感。

Luckily, everyone's sense of humor remained intact.───幸运的是, 大家的幽默感丝毫未减.

He has a whimsical sense of humor.───他有着离奇的幽默感.

He was accused of having no sense of humor, of not being a good sport.───他被指责缺乏幽默感,不够大度。

A sense of humor helps keep things in perspective, and that is key.───幽默感常常能促使局势柳暗花明, 而这正是关键所在.

God has a great sense of humor a poor sense of timing.───巴里笑言:“上帝的确够幽默,可却不太会安排时间. ”


He is distinguished for his sense of humor.

  • sense and sensitivity uexpress
  • sense strand
  • senselessly platonic
  • senselessly foolish
  • senseless talk
  • sense of timing
  • sense of shame
  • sense of smell
  • sense of duty




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