

词汇 place of
释义 place of
place of发音



pace off───步测(用脚步量出)



in place of───代替

place mat───餐具垫


came of───从…引来


Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege.───礼拜的场所盗窃被认为是渎神行为。

It is a place of quiet contemplation.───这是一个适合静静深思的地方。

It was a place of deep mystery and enchantment.───这是一个极其神秘和迷人的地方。

They stood upon a bleak and desert moor, whose monstrous masses of stone were cost about, as though it were the burial-place of giants.───他们站在荒无人烟的旷野上,那儿满地都是硕大无朋的岩石,宛如巨人的墓地。

The invention of the steam engine helped manufactures by giving them cheaper power to work their machines. Machines took the place of men.───而蒸汽发动机的发明,使得产品可以用更廉价的动力驱动机器生产,于是,机器取代了人工操作。

Indeed we are and happy to be conversing with you once again. We have moved into a HIGHER place of residence for now.───我们当然在,而且很高兴与你再次的交流。现在我们已经走入一个更为高阶的居住地。

And what surprised them the most was that when a dish became empty, a full one instantly took its place of its own accord.───最让他们惊奇的是每当一碗吃完时,立刻就会有一只盛得满满的碗自动替换空碗。

All of us in the office enjoyed it immensely, and, as you see, it was given the place of honor and immediate publication.───谨谢赐稿,我部同人对该稿皆至为欣赏,并立刻以显要地位刊登,想早奉清览。

His assistant will take the place of him to attend the meeting.───他的助手将代替他出席这次会议。


It's a favourite place of theirs.

Carter is playing in place of the injured O'Reilly.

A odeum is a place of entertainment.

The children were led to a place of safety.

It is a place of quiet contemplation.

Rome was his main place of residence .

This temple is a place of great holiness for the religion's followers.

Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege.

Please state your occupation and place of residence.

  • place to live
  • placeless place
  • placed for
  • places to visit
  • place wards
  • place stress on
  • place of business
  • place to do
  • place to go
  • placental barrier
  • place settings
  • place start
  • place of
  • place setting
  • placer deposit
  • place item
  • place of origin
  • placement office
  • placed logo
  • place of art
  • places to go




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