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词汇 rain
释义 rainUK:*/ˈreɪn/US:/reɪn/ ,(rān)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 rain n (weather: raindrops)雨;雨水;雨水The rain is falling hard.大雨倾盆而下。 rain n (rain shower)雨;雨水Get out of the rain!别在雨里淋着! rain vi (weather)下雨;降雨We hope it will rain. It's raining again.我们希望能下雨。又下雨了。 其他翻译 rain [sth] vtr figurative (send in great quantity)倾泄下;大量落下;下起...的雨The bombers rained destruction.轰炸机降下毁灭的暴雨。 rain [sth] vtr figurative (appear in great quantity) (比喻)下起...的雨;大量涌现;纷至沓来Since we lowered the asking price of our house by £10,000, it's been raining offers.我们把房屋出售定价降低了1万英镑,之后各种购买请求纷至沓来。 rain n (weather: event) (天气)降雨,降水,下雨It looks like rain today.今天看起来要下雨。 rain n often plural (rainy season)雨季The rains came early this year. rain n figurative ([sth] falling)(雨一样)落下In autumn, the forest is a rain of leaves.秋天,森林里的枯叶像雨一样落下。 rain n figurative (shower of liquid)下落的液体A rain of salt-heavy drops blew in their faces. a rain of [sth] n figurative (large quantity) (责骂、侮辱等)大量;一阵;一顿She had to listen to a rain of insults before she could leave the room.在离开房间之前,她不得不经受一顿责骂。 rain [sth] vtr figurative (emit as a liquid)像雨点般倾泻;像雨点般落下The gusher rained oil.石油从喷井中雨点般地倾泻而下。 动词短语 rain down vi phrasal (fall heavily and copiously)大量地落下来;倾盆而下 复合形式: acid rain n (pollution falling from sky)酸雨A lot of statues have been ruined due to acid rain breaking down the stone. come rain or shine adv (whatever the weather)风雨无阻,不论晴雨,不管打雷下雨Come rain or shine, we are going to the beach tomorrow!无论明天刮风下雨,我们都要去海滩! come rain or shine adv (whatever happens)不论如何,不论什么情况Come rain or shine, I will never abandon you. drop of rain n (raindrop)雨滴,雨点儿 drop of rain n (rain: small amount)一滴雨备注: usually used in negative sentencesWe haven't had a drop of rain all summer and the crops are dying. freezing rain n (freezes on the ground)冻雨;寒雨Freezing rain makes both walking and driving hazardous. heavy rain n (torrential rainfall)大雨;暴雨Heavy rain is forecast for the next few days, and there is a risk of severe flooding. pouring rain n (heavy rain)倾盆大雨;瓢泼大雨Daisy jumped out of bed and pulled back the curtains, only to see pouring rain. rain boots npl (wellingtons: rubber footwear)雨靴;雨鞋 rain cats and dogs v expr figurative (be raining heavily)瓢泼大雨,狂风暴雨备注: most commonly used in the continuous formI won't be going out today - it's raining cats and dogs out there. rain check n US, informal, literal (ticket to rescheduled event)比赛等因雨改期后再赛时可凭此入场的票,改期票The team cancelled the game and offered a rain check to the ticket holders.队伍取消了比赛,并向持票人提供了一张改期票。 rain check n US, informal, figurative (promise to postpone offer until later) (受邀方)请对方延后邀请的请求; (邀请方)保证邀约继续有效的承诺I'll have to take a rain check on dinner tonight: I have to study for an exam all night.因为我整晚都得为考试做准备,所以今晚的晚餐邀约得改天在进行了。 rain check n US, informal, figurative (ticket entitling customer to sale price later)下次优先供货券备注: 减价品售完时商场提供给顾客的下次优先供货保证The store was out of the advertised sausages, but they gave me a rain check.这家店卖光了广告上的香肠,不过他们给了我一张下次优先供货券。 rain cloud (meteorology)雨云;降雨云 rain dance n (dance to encourage rainfall) (印第安人的一种仪式)祈雨舞,求雨舞 rain gauge n (measures fallen rain)雨量计 rain jacket n (light waterproof coat)雨衣;防水外套I keep a rain jacket in the car. rain or shine adv (whatever the weather)无论天气如何;风雨无阻The marathon run will take place rain or shine, although it will be postponed if there's lightning. rain shower n (short burst of rain)阵雨 rain slicker, slicker n US (waterproof coat, mackintosh)雨衣 rainforest, rain forest n (dense woodland in rainy region)热带雨林Western Canada has several areas of rainforest.加拿大西部有几片热带雨林。 rainstorm n (storm with heavy rainfall)暴风雨The rainstorm will dump about two inches of rain by nightfall. rainwater, rain water, rain-water n (fallen rain)雨水The farmers need rainwater to grow their crops. right as rain adj informal (in perfect condition)状态极佳的;非常健康的After a good night's sleep I felt as right as rain.We'll give the engine a tune-up, and it should be right as rain afterwards. spot with rain v expr (rain a few drops)点滴雨水;小雨 take a rain check v expr figurative, informal (postpone [sth])改天再做;改日再去I can't meet you tonight; can I take a rain check for next week?今晚我不能与你见面,能改天再见吗? tropical rainforest, tropical rain forest n (dense woodland in equatorial area)热带雨林




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