persecution complex───被迫害妄想;迫害情结
persecution complexes───被迫害妄想;迫害情结
peculiar people───奇怪的人
peculiar peoples───奇特的民族
prosecution case───起诉案件
There is no doubt that one day we will put on trial those who had persecuted the people, including implementors, sympathizers and those who turned a blind eye on persecution.───毫无疑问,有一天我们会审判那些曾经迫害过人民的人,它们包括那些实施迫害,同情迫害,和对迫害熟视无睹的人们。
The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile, persecution and the fresh memory of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they were.───犹太民族流亡千年,他们一直遭受迫害,最近的记忆是有六百万人遭到杀害,这一切都只是因为他们是犹太人。
Those conflicts have taken the number of internally displaced people to more than 28 million and the total number of people forcibly uprooted by conflict and persecution to 45 million, UNHCR said.───表示,这些冲突造成2800万人沦为国内流离失所者,而由于冲突和迫害而被迫流离失所者的总数达4500万。
- persecution people
- persecution definition
- persecution sikhism