blanking out───作废;取消
finking out───发现
flaking out───入睡;昏倒
lucking out───走好运;逢凶化吉;侥幸成功
blacking out───v.中断,停止;熄灭灯火;晕倒,昏厥
blanding out───喋喋不休
blocking out───涂盖;挡抢
blurting out───开始说话,脱口而出
bulking out───(数据的)输出;使扩大;突出
Bill's flunking out of school was a bolt from the blue for his parents.───比尔因成绩不及格而被学校开除对他父母来说真是晴天霹雳。
An enterprising college student agrees to run his professor's Las Vegas car wash to avoid flunking out of school.───一个上进的女大学生为了避免补考,同意去她的教授在拉斯维加斯运营的洗车行工作。
I got a kid so smart that he is flunking out of school.───我有个天资聪明的儿子,但他却不能上学。
Allow flunking out school in one week, deducting correlative charge from fee . After one week, don, t transact withdraw procedure.───开学后一周内允许退学,扣除已上课程相关费用,开学一周后,不再办理退学。
Here I have put on paper the plan for a device capable of killing thousands of people , and all I was worrying about was flunking out .───我把一个能够杀死成千人的装置设计出来了,而我一直担心的是再考不及格让我退学。
And these are children who are flunking out of public school.───这些孩子都快被公立学校退学了。
I assumed he meant my brother, for flunking out of school.───我开始以为他说的是我哥,因为他退学了。
how dare you ! and where were you when your brother was flunking out of school───你尽敢!你弟弟不及格的时候你上哪里去了