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词汇 flung out
释义 flung out
flung out发音




flunk out───退学

flunks out───退学

flag out───退出


flush out───冲掉,排出;驱赶出来

hung out───挂出;闲逛

rung out───宣布离去;鸣钟送别;下班


Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. - Mark Twain.───习性便是习气,谁也没有能将其抛出窗外,只能一步一步天引它下楼。- - -马克?吐温。

I'll bet you all know how the story ends: They had no sooner flung him out the door than the temple collapsed around them.───故事的结局我估计大家都猜到了——那个人刚被扔出庙门,那座破庙轰然坍塌。

He flung out of the room.───他愤怒地冲出房间。

Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. - Mark Twain.───习惯习惯,谁也将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引它下楼。---马克·吐温。

With velocities of this magnitude at the outer edge of galaxies, the stars should be flung out of their orbits.───在如此重量(星球)级别下保持这种速率的话,星系边缘的星球都将被甩出轨道。

Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed.───俱乐部有两个会员由于未能交纳欠款而被开除。

The mule flung out at him as he passed.───他经过的时候,那头骡子对他乱踢。

It was not an explosion in which debris flung out into a pre-existing space.───这和爆炸后撒了一地的残瓦碎片完全是两码事。

Lily flung out her hand, groped for her friend's and held it fast.───丽莉猛地伸出手,摸到她朋友的手,紧紧地攥住。


I think it's about time we flung out these old magazines.

The explosion flung out bits of metal in all directions.

He flung out his arms in a dramatic gesture.

Suddenly the horse flung out.

That drunkard flung out the empty bottle.

He flung out of the room.

Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step a time. 

He flung out his arms to welcome her.

She turned and flung out of the room without a word.

  • flung out




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