obstacle races───障碍赛跑
bicycle race───自行车竞赛
distance race───远距离竞速项目;长跑
space race───n.太空竞赛
stage race───舞台比赛
stake race───木桩比赛
obstacle course───n.超越障碍训练场
But old hands like Mr Stepic seem to relish an obstacle race.───但是斯特·皮克先生这样的银行业老手,似乎很享受障碍赛。
have been so brainwashed into thinking of education as an obstacle race where one must clear every fence or face elimination that they are unable to put their results into context.───已经被灌输了一种思想,他们总是认为教育就是一场障碍赛,他们要么翻过所有的阑珊要么就要面对被淘汰的命运,以至于他们无法将结果的来龙去脉考虑清楚。
As in the obstacle race, different techniques are required over different obstacles, as well as different qualities of athletes.───在障碍赛跑中,不同的障碍有不同的跨越方法,对运动员的素质也有不同的要求。
Can be in the game of racing in three peaks, long speed race through the obstacle race and compete.───在游戏中可在三个山峰之中竞速,通过速隆赛和障碍赛角逐。
Bigfoot truck in the Challenge you will be driving a Bigfoot trucks (big wheel truck) and the increasing difficulty to complete the obstacle race .
- obstacle race