

词汇 meal tickets
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meal ticket───n.(美)饭票;餐券;赖以为生的工作;提供生活来源的人


a meal ticket───饭票

dream tickets───最佳候选人组合;黄金搭档;最佳阵容

day tickets───来回票

meal times───用餐时间

season tickets───长期票;月票

plane tickets───飞机票

air tickets───机票


Meal tickets can also be purchased at Bethel, but in order to ensure shorter lines and that there is enough food available; please try to purchase tickets in advance.───午餐票也可以于当日在伯特利大学购买,但为了确保较短的轮候时间,并有足够的食物,请尽早购买午餐票。

to keep the peace, the ground crew at the gate soon offered meal vouchers, rebooked tickets and even compensation miles to those dogged enough to keep their vigil at the gate.───登机口处的地乘为了保持大家情绪稳定,提供了餐券,重新定的机票甚至还给了那些在登机口处的顽强抵抗者们补偿英里数。

You bought the tickets and I paid for the meal. Shall we settle up now?───你买票,我付吃饭的费用。我们要不要马上结清?。

To control dining room cost. To check and distribute the work-meal tickets and the entertainment cost for guests.───负责控制餐厅菜肴成本,核实工作餐、客饭及来宾招待费用。

Water and meal tickets will be distributed at the entrance of BaiYun Mountain till 15: 00pm.───参加活动的员工凭员工牌在白云山入口处领取水和餐卷,15:00截至。

Inthose days, even my dream wasfullof money. Butthemoneywas actuallynotpieces from(Chinese Yuan), but the meal tickets of refectory.───那时候我做梦都梦到钱,梦到的钱不是人民币,而是我们食堂的饭票。


I grope for the saucepans and our meal tickets.

We were permitted to buy our meal tickets for seven shillings and sixpence.

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