

词汇 march hare
释义 march hare
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March hare───发情期的野兔

March hares───发情期的野兔

march past───检阅时列队行进


marsh hawk───沼泽鹰

marsh harrier───白头鹞

market share───[贸易]市场占有率


The insult made him go mad as a March hare.───这种侮辱把他给气疯了.

George a very reckless driver. He as mad as a March hare.───乔治是个鲁莽的驾驶员, 他开起车来很疯狂.

Jenny: Yes. She's been as mad as a March hare.───珍妮: 是啊,她简直就是疯了.

It was the best butter , " answereded the March Hare . "───他生气地看着三月 野兔.

If you go the other way, you'll meet March Hare.───如果你走另一条路, 你就会遇见三月兔.

There isn't any ,'said March Hare.───“ 根本就没酒嘛!”三月兔说.

He became as mad as a March hare due to his drinking.───喝酒之后,他变得像三月里的野兔般疯狂.

March Hare: It was the best butter.───马休.翰: 那是最上等的奶油.

He looked angrily at the March Hare.───他生气地看着三月兔。

If any creature knows that Spring is here, It'should be the March hare.───如果任何的人知道,弹簧在这里, 它应该是三月兔.

The March Hare took the watch and looked at it gloomily.───骑·黑尔拿过表来,发愁地看看它.

You should say what you mean," the March Hare went on.───你该说出你的意思了。”三月兔继续说。

Take some more tea,'March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.───“再多喝一点茶吧! ” 三月兔认真地对爱丽丝说.

The March Hare interrupted in a great hurry.───三月兔急忙打断他。


George a very reckless driver. He as mad as a March hare.

Lingling: To a tea party with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and a mouse.

The March Hare poured a little hot tea on its nose, and the Hatter began to look for a clean plate.

The mad hatter, the March hare and the dormouse.

I've shown her with a March hare, as she can make men mad.

So both the March hare and the mad hatter are very mad.

The March Hare took the watch and looked at it gloomily.

He became as mad as a March hare due to his drinking.

The insult made him go mad as a March hare.

  • march towards beauty
  • march is the third month of the year
  • march hare
  • marching bands
  • march over
  • march break
  • marched off
  • march out of




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